Lioness's Birthday pt2.

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In Meerab's Office pov:

Before the meeting is over, meerab sealed the deal's of Mr Saxena which worked for the government which the deal is costly of 3 times billions of dollars. After a few minutes later, her phone rang of message coming in as mariam want to know where to meet her for lunch as murtasim is asking her as well as then she replied that the name of the famous restantant and the number of the table as her friends will be here already at the table but she told mariam that she and Rehaan will be a little bit late as she needs to wrap up her things before heading out.  Then her secretary gave her the papers to have her signature on it has Mr Saxena was well aware on how she worked and the manner she has worked on this deals to be closed now, even Mr Saxena informed her as that her time is very limited in the business as she has already been occupied by her business overseas as he will not any of her time now and called off the zoom meeting now. she was seated on the head chair in her office room where Rehaan came to knock on her door outside to tell her if she is ready to go to lunch as everyone in the group has already come by now. 

Meerab her assistant to make her some coffee as she need to calm her nerve down now then she is heading downstairs the elevator, when the door opened she was surprised by her surbordinates by giving her flowers and by wishing her a happy birthday has she descend the stairs to the parking lot of the basement towards Rehaan's car .

while arriving to the restaurant's parking lot where Rehaan parked his car and he opened her door like a princess need to be taking care of and went forwards the door to enter the restaurant but while entering the door, meerab looked from side to side looking for the table where her friend is at it then she went forward it as rehaan is coming behind her as well as she looked forwards it she look pleased as she saw Murtasim and Mariam seated in their chair as Manik  Malhotra and the entired gang of Fab 5 looked up towards her and got up from their seat and went to her as a grouped hugged which she took by hugging them one by one as always Manik have something to say about her appearance of her clothes which looked very good on her as great the most powerful businesswomen tyccon in the globe as nobody want to mess with it at all as she always as backup plan and protection from her famillies and overprotective brothers which 3 of them are mafia's business tycoon . Nandini asked to come and sit among them as they have a lot to catch up now as from the longest time we all known now.

We all take their respective seats around the table as she sat near to Murtasim and Rehaan is sat near to Mariam and we all informed the entired group about me and Murtasim ,as well as Rehaan and mariam's engagment they all congrats us. They started to share all our school secrets and we all laugh at it. meerab looked at Murtasim and saw him that he has a looked of stunning as he has learned that me is a nerd girl which love books, specially  the novel  and has she is no that half innocent & half a bad girl. Then manik said that there a lot of guys in our college days have a crushes on meerab but she always rejected them as she always focus on her education and responsibility ones first but it does not stopped the guys to have crushes on till now . Under the table Murtasim hand came across her hand but she pulled her hand away to put it on the table but Murtasim has other ideas in his mind as he put his hand on her legs that sent her the shivering to her core as well as a waiter came by to their table to take their order as she ordered her food and ordering a glass of champagne as she looked at Murtasim as he does not know that she drinks alchool but she gave a him a look of flirting with him infront of her friends . Then came for their gifts to her and the last person to give her their gift is Manik has he gifted her a beautiful dress and high heels to wear for her birthday as they are looking forwards it to post on instagram. she will definiately wear it .

As they are finishing their lunch, they ordered their desert as meerab want to have lava chocolate with 3 scoop ice cream and a ice cold coffee on it. As the groups is talking then came the decision of attending her marriage as meerab known that her friend are very busy with their business as she understand their reason of their absence in her wedding but they said that we should have a regular meeting mostly like 2 times a months to stay in contact specially looking towards meerab. 

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