Arrived in USA

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Meerab pov:

When finishing our dinner, we went back to sleep for the next 8 hours of flights. After 7 hours later, The capital said that we are approaching the America in 30 min to put your seat belt on and remained seated in your place as we are descending in lower as now on .

As the plane touched the soil, shibra and I gather our stuff from the place as passing the immegration office to check our passport and we went to the lounge of the airport as we are waiting for our bags, my phone rang as I picked up the call which from Azaan Ali Miraz said to us that he is waiting outside the airport door for us .

while getting our bags, we want our morning coffee as we head to starsbucks to order our coffee as we take some donuts and muffins which so delicious as shibra as started to eat first while waiting for our coffee aside from the line. Shibra said to me that she will be doing a lot of shopping before going back to hyerabad , I smiled to her and said that Ammi also told me that she already bought a lot of stuffs for me as I am getting married then shibra asked if she can ask a question regarding the relationship between her real Ammi and Abbu, then I said to her that I even don't know what happened between them as much as I want to know even I asked Ammi about it but she is very unwilling to know about she always diverted my attention onto other thing but if I found out by myself it was a big thing/the misunderstanding which resulting to their broken relation even so I swear that the people who this pure relation will burning in the fucking hell of pain that will be making them paid for the pain that my real parents has to stay seperate all this years in 23 years of earning for each other. 

The waiter gave us our coffee and we went straight forward the airport door as soon as we saw Azaan , we run to him and hugged him tightly as we missed me to him and he turned to me, smiled taking our stuffs put them into the car. Then  I get into the passenger, shibra got in the back seat and we all put our seat belt and Azaan start the engine and drive off from the airport towards the house we owned in America.

In car, Azaan said to me that Ammi her health is stable now as the doctor gave us green light for her to travel back home again as the doctor said that in hyerabad there will be their colleague who will helped us in her case of health as they more most experience to him.

When entering the villa, Ammi is already waiting for us as soon as I opened my door Ammi jumped in giving a huge Hug then hugging Shibra as Ammi said to us that today we will start packing our stuff as possible as tomorrow we will be going to the mall to buy more new stuff again as I looked forwards Azaan shaking his head to me as " I said to him there we go again as I think that I will be spending more money on them" he laughed at me.

When entering the villa, Ammi is already waiting for us as soon as I opened my door Ammi jumped in giving a huge Hug then hugging Shibra as Ammi said to us that today we will start packing our stuff as possible as tomorrow we will be going to the ...

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Khan haveli pov:

Murtasim finished his work which are pending a lot as a maid come to knock on his door said "come in" the maid replied to him that Rehaan baba has already arrived and he chatting with ma begum and Mariam  he said to the maid that he will be coming downstairs to greet him. As coming into the living room, he greeted rehaan his Salam to him and rehaan said to him that he has come to help him with meerab stuff specially for the kitchen as she always love cooking, murtasim smlied as rehaan said to him " that he will missing his older sister cooking as she is the best cook in our household of Miraz everyone loved her cooking specially her Ammi and Badi Ammi always praised her for her cooking. So rehaan if we can get started as he  has already bought everything that meerab likes and mariam joined in she asked if she helped them in this matter as both of them agreed.

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