Trip to USA

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Meerab pov:

I woke up early in the murtasim room as I remember of last night as she blush and looked at him sleeping peacefully as his hand tightly around her waist. I removed myself from his arms but going to her room she bend down and kiss his forehead and left as she went directly to her bathroom started her morning routine and get ready for work as she has to left for USA. she sent shibra message to said that to start packing for our trips for the USA as we will leave tomorrow afternoon and bring one extra luggage bag more as Ammi is asking for it then shibra replied to her "ok" then she continued her thing.

 she sent shibra message to said that to start packing for our trips for the USA as we will leave tomorrow afternoon and bring one extra luggage bag more as Ammi is asking for it then shibra replied to her "ok" then she continued her thing

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she sent her driver a message that to tell him not to pick her up as she drive by herself in her newly car. she went directly to foster parents room in Anwar khan portion and knocked on the their door as Anila opened the door saw her daughter has already dress up then meerab said to her parents that she is going to the office early as she to finish the project that she working on before she went to America to join her Ammi and Azaan . she told her baba that she has already make the booking tickets for her and shibra  and  she asked Ma begum to forgive her as she is leaving early without meeting her as she is elder,she told them that tonight she will be at home as she has to start packing her stuff and said her goodbye to them, her parents bless her and told her to drive carefully and be safe and kiss her forehead. As she is descending the stairs, she immediately went to the kitchen room, the maid greet her as well as greet them back she went to have a glass of cold water and make her way out of the Khan Haveli to her brand new car and seat inside put her seat belt and started the engine and drive through to the gate as the guard greet her and greet back to him and he opened the big gate of the Khan and she drove off to the office .

Murtasim Pov:

He woke up late in the morning as opening his eye he saw that meerab has already left by now as he looked up at the clock is 8 am now as he get out of his bed went directly to his bathroom to start his morning to refresh him as soon as he looked into the mirror he saw that meerab has put a lot of hickies on his neck  and remember their moment last night, he got hard again thinking about it, but how will he hide it so he went back in the room and saw on the bed table there is a concealer box as meerab left a note on it said how to use it correctly. He went back inside to have a cold shower, went to dress up and apply the corrector by looking into the mirror and make his way downstairs to the dinning table to have breakfast with  everyone as already seated in their place mariam sit next to him as they all started eating then Ma begum asked Anila where is meerab as she hasn't seen her yet, anila replied to her saying that meerab has already left the house early in the morning at 7.30 am as she has to finish her project on before going to American as Nadia has called to ask her when she will be coming as she come and get her at the Airport. So she will leave tomorrow afternoon and she has already booked the tickets for her and shibra. Due to it she will come home when finishing  her work as she to start packing  for tomorrow, Rehaan and Razia Begum will dropped them at the Airport.

Meanwhile Ma begum asked anila that shibra is still in unversity but that will affect her studies Anila said no to her as meerab as already talked to her teachers and principle of her school and the arrangement as she got to do her assignment remotely when she went on a trip and shibra always got all A's in all her subject and she is part timer in one of meerab business as she working her sister business as a managing director of the department of graphic designs as she want to have an experience of the workplace to stood on her own feet. As finishing spoke, anila looked up at them which their face is shock to learn the youngest  daughter of Miraz's family as already established a lot in her life as meerab always helped her siblings.  

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