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*okay this is in Adrian's POV as sort of a gift for 123 reads because I've never had a story go past like, 50. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH*

Media day. Apparently we we're supposed spend time with members of our society's children today. Everyone else calls this Example day, we call it media day. Because, we're supposed to interact with these children so that they one day can be like us, however how we do today, usually determines our place in society for the next year, so company manners folks. I stood in the background. Aly was the last person to greet the 50 children who were here. I peered through the curtain and saw her, down on her knees singing a song to a little girl, about four years old. As I looked closely I noticed that the girl had a scar on her cheek. Someone probably slashed it with a knife. The Lorenzo gang never spared children. I also spotted a small symbol on her sleeve. Her parents must have died in the attack. Because that was the symbol of the orphanage. Before I knew it, Alejandra's time was up and she was kissing the little girl goodbye. She waved at the children once more and turned to come to the car. I quickly ducked behind the drapes again. I heard a snicker. "Kyete Brandon." I said. That stupid little grin was still on his face. I would've smacked him had Aly not come through the door. "Okay guys," she said sighing, "Anyone up for Rambo's? I heard Brandon has some news for us from our defense department." I shot a quick glance at him, and the look on his face made me sick to my stomach. This was not good news. Luckily Ariana and Alejandra did not spot this, and were laughing about something dumb. "My suggestion is..that we race there. We haven't done it in forever, and I swear my car needs to hit the road." They all agreed and we sped of.

*At Rambo's*
I held off Brandon's news as long as possible, because quite truthfully, I didn't want to know, but Ariana had other ideas. "Brandon, what did you need to tell us." Brandon grimaced and took another sip of beer. "The Lorenzo gang." Alejandra's carefree look went completely away. "What about them?" She asked. "They want war Aly. Your father just signed the declaration. We're being shipped to San Diego next week. You, me, Adrian, and Ariana are supposed to be our own unit. We fight together, we die together." He explained. "Are we taking anyone with us?" I asked, I was excited, and scared. "We are to hand pick our forces." He explained, "our fathers want us with people we trust." Now Ariana spoke up. "Our fathers consented to this? What happened to being moral support for the public?" "Ariana," Alejandra soothed, "you know we are the best weapons our fathers have. You really expected to be left at home during the war of the century?" "You're right Aly." I directed my attention on Brandon, "when can we pick our soldiers?" "As soon as we talk to our parents." He answered. "Don't need to. Briefing just came in. Check your texts guys." Said Ariana.
I looked at my phone. It said, "Hello dear ones. As you probably know by now, we are beginning a war with the L's. I need the best fighter unit in the organization. Your mission as for this week is to recruit the following.

Two technical workers. Preferably with experience.
Fifteen combatants
And a doctor.

The three noncoms must be kept alive at all cost. I want you training the non coms non stop this week. All of you can operate any vehicle you touch. Get to work, and ser valiente."
"I've got the doctors and the geeks." Aly spoke up. "The rest of us can get the weapons then." Aly laughed. "I'm coming with you. All I need to do is make a few phone calls to Central and Starling. We have more work to do with the soldiers."

Hey guys um these chapters are really short bc fillers and I hate making you guys wait. Also life is dumb and I really haven't had that much time to write and I apologize. Anyway, so I've always Invisioned Aly looking like Megan Fox. Any suggestions for Adrian? I mean his character may or may not be molded by one of my friends but that doesn't not mean they have to look alike. Currently I'm thinking Taylor Lautner. Just so you know, yes I am adding characters from Arrow and Flash on the CW however I am changing their names and stuff. And some parts of their characters and appearances. Thanks to syohmy for adding me to her reading list she's amazing. But this is starting to get really long so goodbye loves!!

IG is Tay.flarrow I will accept so follow me please 😊
Twitter ~ @taviacopening I need to make one for this book though

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