Chapter Eight

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Its been about two weeks since i last saw Pedri, we text back and forth but he said he was leaving soon and i had to focus on nationals.

We spent Saturday together and on Sunday we had a pool party but not everyone was there from both of our teams.

It was a good weekend but unfortunately we had to come back to reality and its that i had to prepare my team for nationals. We are playing against the best. 

He also mentioned he had some games coming up and invited me and my friends to go but it falls on the same day as our game so we wouldn't be able to make it.

Today is Tuesday and we have a game on Thursday.

Pedri has a game on Thursday at 3pm and mine is at 7pm so we both will not be available that day.

I did invite him to my game but he said he wouldn't be able to make it because he doesn't have a car and he didn't know how far my game would be from his.

I still haven't asked him what team he plays for, i really don't know anything about soccer other than what I've played in school and seen briefly on the TV.

*ding ding*

I hear my phone buzz on my desk.

I pick it up and see i have a messages from Pedri


P: Hi beautiful

S: Whats up :) miss me already?

P: OH you know i do, your all i think about 

S:how unfortunate you have a small brain in that big head of yours 


You think your funnyyyyy

S: Actually i do think I'm funny :)

 so what do you want? your distracting me, I'm supposed to go practice 

P: its literally 7pm why is your practice so late 

S: i practice by myself sometimes, i get anxious and it helps to practice more or go for a run. 

P: don't go for a run, its dark out

S: yes that's why I'm going to go practice at the gym duh

P:ok well, i miss you. 

when can i see you?

S: mmm i have practice tomorrow and Thursday we have our game and you have yours. Friday 

I'm free.

P: I leave Friday... Thursday is my last game in California and then we go to New York :(

S: oh.. what about today?

P: I can practice with you, i may not be good at volleyball but i can try. plus you owe me a volleyball lesson remember

S: Ahh yes i do remember, okay get ready ill be there in 30mins

P: ok ill be outside

I close my phone and start getting ready, i just want to play a little to calm my nervous.

I grab my things and make my way out the door, the girls are watching a movie or sleeping so i send a quick text to them in the Group chat letting them know id go practice, most give a thumbs up and some just liked my message letting me know they saw it. 

Once i arrive at Pedri's house, a wave of sadness comes over me, this is the last time ill see him. the last time ill be able to be near him.

Even though we have known each other a short amount of time we have gotten so close. He is easily one of my best friends.

Pedri is outside already so he hops in the car and reaches over and gives me a hug and steals a kiss from me.

"hey!" i say

"hey" he say smiling as he puts his seatbelt on and i start driving towards the gym.

Since I'm Captain i have access to the gym at all times, me and Olivia are the only ones with a key from the team. 

We reach the gym and he grabs my bag insisting i don't carry anything.

Once inside i turn the lights on and take the volleyballs out

"Ok i need to to stand there and toss me the ball I'm going to try and set it up high and in a specific spot." i say to Pedri as he nods and grabs a ball.

I get in position and tell Pedri to toss it. 

We practice for an hour and we played a bit 1v1 and even though he's not that great with his hands he would use his foot or head or chest and somehow got the ball over, so it was like volleyball vs soccer going over the net

We walk off the court and get some water.

"So what did you think?" I say to Pedri as i sit in front of him drinking my water.

" You make it look so easy, i think i gave myself a burn from throwing myself on the ground trying to save a ball. And not to mention, it hurt like a motherfucker" he says with a chuckle

We talked a bit more about volleyball rules and he talked about soccer rules and showed me some trick.

"So..." He says hesitantly 

"So.." i say back.

At this point we are sitting in front of each other.

"This is the last time ill get to see you in person" He says while looking directly at me, trying to see my reaction, trying to read my face

"yeah... " i say quietly

" Fuck it. Soph, i like you. Ive enjoyed being with you. you make me feel so normal, you make me feel like its only us. I love everything you do. I like that your dedicated and have a sense of purpose, i like watching you talk about the things you like and about the things you dont like. I dont want us.. this.. whatever you may classify it as.. i dont want it to end." he says all in one breath, looking at me for some kind of answer.

"Pedri... I-I like you too, but i dont want to hold you back from anything or anyone. My career is important to me, and i assume your is too or your job or whatever. I am leaving to study abroad and i dont have time for you, or to travel where ever you live and you wont have time for me. I wish i would have met you sooner or at least when our time is right" I say reaching for his hand.

He gives me his hand and we both look at our hands. The sparks i feel when his body touches mine even when its something simple as hand holding. I feel a fire grow in my stomach wanting him closer.

Im afraid if he asked me to be with him, follow him. I would. That big of an impact he has made in my life.

"I cant leaving with out feeling your lips one last time. If i would have known that our first kiss was our last kiss forever i would have savored it more" he says while pulling me closer to him.

Somehow he manages me to get on his lap while facing him, my legs fully wrapped around his waist.

"Soph, you dont know what you do to me" he says as his hand travel to my back. 

"Pedri.." I start to say before he crashes his lips on mine with hunger.

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