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So, demigods, you're on your first quest against one another. Let's see how far you can go; fill out the form bellow to be accepted into this year's It's a Dam Percy Jackson Contest & Rewards!! Make sure you add that special password to the bottom of your form!!

If you wish to continue to update your entered book(s), I will have to ask you to write underneath your form the day you updated and how many parts you updated ASAP


Book Title:
Main Characters:
Spoilers for what series:
Main Ship (if you don't have a main ship write N/A):
Parts Published So Far:
Is It a One-Shot:
Small Description of Book:
Story Complete or Uncomplete:
5+ tags:

Fill out form here:


Any questions ask here:

Percy Jackson
"Where's the glory in repeating what others have done."
The Lightning Thief



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