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"It's a dam Percy Jackson thing!" Hello and welcome fellow PJO fans; whether your here to apply your works to be viewed and judges by some of the roughest toughest (not really) judges out there, or if your here to read and vote on others works 'cause your looking for new and exciting fanfictions! I am your famous, brilliant, host, Praetor Rose... only joking I am just your average fangirl in the waking with a poor attempt to entertain others. Now, let's get on to the juicier information.

This year's awards theme is:
The Big Little Three


This is for all authors out there. We made this contest for all Riordanverse fanfictions that were written- whether that is recently or years ago- this is for all those out there who love they're our fanfiction like it's their child! You should and so should everyone else, so sign up now!

Everyone deserves and gets a chance here. I don't know about you, but I know that when on Wattpad: I judge a book by its cover and description. It's a bad habit I've come to rely on more than not, despite the fact that I couldn't, to save my life, write a good description. Don't worry though, because in this dam Percy Jackson contest there will be no judging on covers or descriptions.

Everyone will get some sort of award just for participating. The fact that I know that every time I get my books added to a reading list, voted on, or commented on it makes me feel proud of myself and my writing ability; each book you enter will be added to a special reading list, and checked out by the Community! Think of it as a special thank you for participating!

The Council is the Judge. This year there will be no enlisting for judges, for the Council will be the chosen judges. We promise to judge fairly and correctly on your writing and are excited to start judging! This will also mean we don't have to worry about finding judges, which in my past of hosting Awards & Contests, is harder to find.

This contest is only for Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus fanfiction, fans, and authors. So, if you are not in our amaZHANG fandom I suggest you leave this contest book, as it might awaken something in you, and you may realize that you are hooked on Percy Jackson and his strange ways of being able to sass anything and anyone. But, on a serious note, we are super weird, like so weird we literally ship one of our main protagonists with a brick. Several of are characters have been turned into plants, animals, and have died tragic deaths to the point where the word 'stars' and 'Bob' and 'family' and 'movies' make us cry. Please leave if you are not in the Percy Jackson Fandom. Beside I don't want anyone who has considered joining out fandom be spoiled by being a little eager; read the books then come back.

Please read each part unless directed not to. You, all of your friendly competitors, and I, want this to be a fair and fun contest. But that can't happen unless you make sure you understand everything about this contest and its requirements.

No question is a stupid one. Feel free to ask any questions you have, because all questions are valid. Besides, someone else may have the same question but no courage to ask.

Finally, for the sake of you to continue reading and entering, a small thank you for checking this friendly contest out. Thank you for looking at this year's Percy Jackson contest called 'Big Little Three Writing Awards. All you demigods out there, you are amaZHANG never forget that. Now, trek forward and check out the rest of this contest.


Nico Di Angelo
"Your voice is your identity. If you don't use it, you're halfway to Asphodel already."
Heroes of Olympus



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The Big Three Writing AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now