t h i r t e e n

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It has officially been a month.
Being 24 weeks pregnant, and still no Jack. They said it may be another month, maybe more. Today was the appointment, and the clock read 10:39 am. I changed into a pair of blue denim shorts, and one of my pregnancy shirts, since I couldn't fit into any of my normal shirts. My hair laid lightly on my shoulders, and was straightened down to the top of my stomach.
I called Katherine, and she said she was waiting outside to take me to my appointment since I can't drive. I haven't talked to my parents since I moved out. She has been there for me, and is more of a mom than my actual mother is.
I picked up my phone and dialed Jack's number.
"Hey! This is Jack, leave a message!"
I sighed. The beep went off as I began to walk out the door with my purse.
"Hey Jack, I'm headed to the appointment now, call me back."
I ended the voicemail, meeting Katherine in the car, and driving off the the ultrasound building.
"Hey! This is Jack, leave a message!"
I didn't even bother leaving a message that time. I've called him four times in the past 30 minutes, because I want him to know, or at least hear, if his child is a boy or a girl. Katherine went across the room to get some coffee, while I sat there, in the quiet waiting room, listening for my name to be called.
"Having some trouble reaching someone?"
I turned my head, to see a woman, maybe in her 20's, smiling at me.
"Sort of."

"I'm Mia."

"Arianna, but you can call me Ari if you want."
It was quiet for a moment, until we eventually started to break the ice.
"How far along are you?" She asked.

"24 weeks," I responded. "You?"

"Maybe 12 weeks? I just found out last week, and this is my first appointment."

I smiled, grabbing her hand in a friendly way.
"It's not as bad as you think, it's kind of fun."
She laughed, as I giggled along quietly.

"I'm 20, I don't know how I'll have a baby now."
I smirked quietly to myself.

"I'm 18, and I don't know if I'll even go to college," I said, and her smile faded.

"Ari, I'm-"

"It's alright. I'm finding out the gender today, and I'm more than happy for a baby."

Just then, they had called my name. We had exchanged numbers, said our goodbyes, and I went back into a room. Katherine decided she would stay back, because she wanted it to be a surprise.
They did the normal checkup; blood pressure, temperature, etc. Then they put the remote with the gel on my stomach and searched around for a moment.
"Well," she said.
"It's a.."
The adrenaline was running through my body, and my hands began to shake.
"It's a boy!"

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