Kings and Queens of Old

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Cahira had never traveled so far east before. The thick forest where she had started had given way to thinner birches and rock formations. She could hear water flowing in the distance, and Attica pawed at the ground as they continued down the path. She knew what her horse wanted— she wanted it too. Water.

The terrain sloped downwards towards the sound of water, and before long the two of them had reached the edge of a river. It was wide, and opened up more towards the east in what Cahira assumed was open ocean. She shivered slightly; she had never come so far alone.

Attica pulled her to the stream edge, leaning her head down to drink from the blue water before Cahira had even leapt down fully from the saddle. She ran a hand through her horse's mane. The two had ridden all night, and from the position of the sun in the sky, it looked to be midday now.

"I'm sorry I didn't bring any food for you," Cahira said as she tied the reins to a branch next to the water's edge."You'll just have to fill up on the greenery for now."

Attica took her nose out of the water and rubbed her head against Cahira's torso, causing her to stagger slightly and let out a giggle. She glanced back the way they had come with a long sigh. She hoped Caspian was faring alright. The voice had filled her with such confidence in the moment, but now she wasn't sure. How could she have left her own brother behind?

After a moment of reflection, she turned to business. She still had some food in her saddlebags, even after a breakfast earlier that day of cold chicken and bread. Her dagger and shortsword hung on opposite sides of her waist, and she placed her hands over them in search of reassurance. If food ran low, she could always hunt as a last resort.

An odd whistling sound pierced the air as she stood in thought. A moment later, pain sliced across her left bicep and a thunk sounded behind her. Her heart sank as she turned around to see a crossbow bolt embedded in a tree.

Attica's eyes were wild, and a ball of dread formed in Cahira's stomach. On the water, she finally saw them—two Telmarine soldiers in a boat. One of the soldiers, a man with fiery red hair, yelled something and her horse backpedaled, letting out a high-pitched scream. There was a loud snap as the branch that held her reins cracked apart, and before Cahira could even shout after her, Attica darted off into the forest. Cahira was about to follow when another crossbow bolt whizzed past dangerously close to her ear.

"Stop right there!"

The boat had finally come close enough for her to hear the men's voices. She doubted they'd miss another shot at her from this distance, so she turned to face them with her hands in the air. When their boat hit the river shore in front of her, she could see they had another captive; a dwarf with his hands bound and a gag around his mouth. There was no doubt these were Miraz's men.

"C'mere, Princess. Don't be shy."

The second soldier, a darker haired man, stepped out of the boat, rope in one hand and a dagger brandished defensively in the other. She knew she'd be able to disarm him in a second, but the second man still held his crossbow trained on her. Even if she managed to run, she had little doubt these men could overtake her quickly. It was too much of a risk to fight back now. She would play along until she could escape.

"I demand you return me to the castle."

The dark haired man let out a roar of laughter as he approached her. "No one has to listen to you around here, Your Highness."

He mocked her in a way Cahira had never been mocked before. Sure, she had been scolded or teased in her youth, but it was always with her status in mind. Hell, she had never even had to subjugate herself to anyone in court—both her father and mother had died before she could walk and a supreme ruler hadn't been crowned since.

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