Before the Battle

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Cahira woke up the next morning when Peter nudged her softly. Edmund stood in front of them, and she sat up straight in surprise, taking her cheek away from Peter's shoulder. She felt the burn of embarrassment start to show on her cheeks. The dark haired boy looked away quickly when he noticed.

"You'd better come see this."

Cahira furrowed her brow, and a glance at Peter showed that he mirrored her expression. The two quickly stood from the Stone Table, following Edmund through the tunnels to a vantage point part way up the How.

Caspian was already waiting for the others; Cahira took her place beside him. It was immediately clear what everyone was looking at-just emerging from the treeline, the Telmarine army marched in terrifying synchrony. Calvary, footsoldiers, ballistae, and trebuchets all approached in numbers that dwarfed the Narnians at least ten times over. Even at this distance, they could see one man in glittering golden armor as he rode to the front of his forces. Cahira felt as though the morning sun had suddenly been extinguished as a chill ran across her body. There was no doubt about it-the man was Miraz, and he had been crowned king.

The next hour was spent deliberating and planning deep within the How. Everyone was ready to admit that they needed Aslan's help-the problem was how to get it. The great lion had proved elusive over the last few days, to say the least, and none of them were even sure if going out to look for him would prove fruitful.

"I suppose we're in for a leap of faith," Reepicheep remarked once they decided on their course of action.

It was obvious, though, that some were not in full support of the plan to send Lucy and Susan to find Aslan. Trumpkin stepped forward, prepared to voice his disagreement with an accusatory finger pointed at Peter.

"Caspian," Dr. Cornelius hissed out of the corner of his mouth. Cahira sat with the two of them, and she turned her head instinctively as he spoke. "Miraz has the crown, but he's shackled by it."

"What do you mean?" Caspian asked.

"Single combat between the leaders. If Miraz is challenged, he can be forced to surrender. There would be no battle and he would be dead."

"Or you would be," Cahira muttered.

Caspian looked at her, but otherwise held his tongue about this new revelation. Cahira turned her attention back to the larger discussion.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back," Peter said.

It seemed Trumpkin had been convinced to accept the plan. He stepped back, resigned after a small smile from Lucy.

"If I may?"

Cahira whipped her head to look at her brother when she heard him speak. Dr. Cornelius gave him an encouraging nod, and Cahira clenched her jaw. She wasn't aware they had already settled it.

"Miraz may be a tyrant, and a murderer... but as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time."

Caspian explained to Peter what the Professor had told him. How they could challenge Miraz to a duel to the death, with total surrender as the reward. A black pit of fear began to gnaw its way through Cahira's insides. She thought of the look on Miraz's face if he killed Caspian, that same cold hatred that had unsettled her in the castle. Better for her to face him herself and be killed a hundred times over than to give him Caspian. Anything but Caspian.

"Even if I lose-"

"No," the blonde king interrupted Caspian. An inexplicable expression, something just in the middle of dread and acceptance, passed across Peter's face.

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