Stars and Revelations

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If Cahira had found Aslan imposing in her dreams or at a distance, it was nothing in comparison to standing in front of him, in the flesh. She, Caspian, and the Pevensies had waded across the river, passing Telmarines as they surrendered their weapons to the Narnians. Aslan and Lucy already waited for them, a bright smile on the young queen's face as they approached.

When the five stood before him, they sank to their knees. Cahira stared at the river stones on the ground, waiting for the lion to address them.

"Rise, kings and queens of Narnia."

Cahira remained kneeling as the Pevensies stood. Caspian, on her right, stayed on his knees as well.

"All of you," the lion added.

The twins looked up in surprise.

"I do not think I am ready," Caspian argued.

Cahira chewed the inside of her cheek. "Nor do I."

That was only the half of it-she still wasn't even entirely certain if she wanted to rule. She supposed she had assumed that when the time came, it would always be Caspian on the throne before her. It was her brother who had been prepared for the role his whole life, not her.

"It is for that very reason I know you are," Aslan reassured them.

Caspian hesitated, then slowly rose to his feet. Still, Cahira stayed kneeling. Aslan turned his gaze to her, his amber eyes boring through her. She had the feeling he knew her very thoughts.

"Rid yourself of your doubts, child. Rise and join your equals."

There was no fiber in her body that wished to argue with the great lion. Slowly, she pushed herself to her feet. Lucy beamed at her, and Cahira couldn't help the shy smile that crept across her face. The others were smiling at her as well; as she looked to her left and right she met their eyes. Her heart felt so full that she was surprised it didn't burst out of her chest.

There was the sound of bagpipes behind them. Cahira and the others turned in surprise to see a procession of mice. The two in the front carried Reepicheep in a hastily made stretcher. Her breath caught as she recognized him, and Lucy darted forward with her cordial already unstoppered.

Gingerly, she let a drop fall into the brave mouse's mouth. After a moment, he breathed shakily and sat up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." He looked past Lucy and saw Aslan, his eyes widening in shock. "Oh, Hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be-"

He tried to bow, but stumbled forward. Cahira gasped as she noticed it as well-he had lost his tail.

"I am completely out of countenance!" he stuttered, creeping backwards. "I must crave your indulgence for appearing in such an unseemly fashion." He looked up at Lucy again, pink nose twitching. "Perhaps a drop more?"

"I don't think it does that."

"You could have a go."

Aslan laughed at that, looking at the mouse with fondness. "It becomes you well, small one."

"All the same, I regret that I must withdraw-for a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse."

"Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend."

"Well, it's not just the honor-it's also great for balance, and climbing, and... and grabbing things..."

The other mice around him drew their swords, poised to cut through their own tails.

"May it please your High Majesty," Peepiceek, Reep's second in command, said, "we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief."

Aslan laughed; a warm sound that set Cahira's heart aglow. "Not for your honor, but for the love of your people..."

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