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Chapter Two ╱ The Cemetery Szn One . Ep One
Isa woke up the next morning, feeling terrible since she didn't get much sleep. But, at least she didn't have school and would be woth her friends at the cemetery later. Until then, she would have to find other things to occupy herself. Which in her house felt impossible.
And honestly, all that Isa felt like doing was laying in bed and scrolling through Pinterest, being the least amount of productive possible. But for her, an unproductive morning makes a boring rest of the day and she did not need that right now.
So, she got ready for the day, not caring enough about her outfit to ask Spider for opinions (Until the cemetery, of course.) She was just wearing sweats anyway, not like anyone was going to see them.
While walking down the steps to grab the broom from the kitchen to sweep her bedroom floor, she quickly and messily put her hair into a bun.
In the kitchen, she found her brother, Callum at the counter, reading a note that was more than likely from their mother saying that she won't be home until later as if that was surprising to anyone. "That a note from Mom?" She asked, looking in the fridge for food to cook for their breakfast.
"Yeah, she's not going to be back for a whole week. She left us seventy dollars for extra groceries if we need them" Callum explained to his sister.
"Awesome!" Isa said in a sarcastic tone while pulling out a box of waffles and a bag of pancake mix. "Pick your poison." She spoke and Callum pointed to the pancakes then sat on the counter, playing on his Nintendo Switch.
Isa then propped her phone up on the counter and called Spider who answered after two rings. "Oi, do you know how to make pancakes?" Isa asked.
"Isa, are you aware you're calling me at five thirty in the morning on a weekend?" Spider asked
"Yes." Isa replied, "Do you know how to make pancakes yes or no?" She asked once again.
"Can you not just read the box?" Callum questioned from across the room.
"Callum, shut the fuck up." Isa instructed causing a little chuckle out of Spider.
"I think you should listen to the little kid, Iz." Spider suggested in a half asleep tone with his eyes barely open.
"Shut the fuck up, Spider." She said before hanging up the phone, not wanting to hear whatever dickhead response he had coming her way even though she knew he would just text it to her when he was fully awake.
She then read the back of the box and realized that it was actually really easy and self explanatory to make. Thank goodness for that. And after not that long, her and her brother sat at the table, eating together and having their usual small conversations