27. Magic and Healing Tandem

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Eliya and Mori made their way to the East Rose Farm. They bid their farewell to Eldon after visiting the Healing Sanctum and Eliya convinced Mori to investigate the scene once more.

As they approached the farm, the rhythmic sound of the water echoed through the air, blending with the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the surroundings.

Minutes turned into an hour as Eliya and Mori meticulously searched the area, their eyes keen for any anomalies or clues. It was during this thorough investigation that Mori's sharp gaze caught sight of something unusual—a piece of black cloth snagged on a tree branch. The cloth appeared to flicker and disperse, almost as if it were evaporating, yet it remained intact in its place.

Eliya and Mori exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity piqued by this strange phenomenon. They approached the tree cautiously, examining the spot where the cloth had been caught. There were no signs of struggle or disturbance, just the soft murmur of the river and the occasional chirping of birds.

Before they could delve deeper into their observations, a deep and steady voice interrupted their thoughts. "That cloth seemed shadowy"

Startled, Eliya and Mori turned to see Ser Bennington, despite being clad in his knightly armors, he does really know how to silence his footsteps.

"Ser Bennington." Eliya sighed, her right hand on her chest, as if it would calm her down.

"You do love surprising people huh? Mori added, giggling.

Ser Bennington offered a small bow and his expression softened as he studied the cloth for a moment. "Interesting" he commented, and picked the clothing.

As Eliya stared at it, a jolt of memory flashed into her brains, this clothing has the same texture the mysterious woman she bumped into during the night of the ceremony. She noticed something different within her but she couldn't care more since her mind is in the ceremony, and her being late.

Eliya found herself pondering, trying to link the connections within each happening and incidents but she's not getting any answer from her mind. Mori watched her with concern as her friend furrows her brows deep in her thoughts. While Ser Bennington watched her with a smile.

"I bumped into..." Eliya's sentence was abruptly cut off by the arrival of a frantic farmer.

The farmer, a middle-aged woman with worry etched into her features, rushed towards them with urgency in her voice. "Please, young healer, Ser Knight, young mage, you have to help us! My son and five other farmers have been acting strangely. They're causing havoc in the farmland, attacking other farmers, and their eyes... their eyes are a sinister hue of dark purple!"

Eliya and Mori exchanged alarmed glances, their instincts kicking in as they realized the gravity of the situation. "Corruption" Mori said, panicking.

"We'll come with you," Ser Bennington said firmly, his voice projecting calm authority despite the urgency of the situation. Handing the piece of cloth to Eliya.

Eliya and Mori followed the middle-aged farmer briskly, and Ser Bennington is behind them offering a protective glances in their sorroundings as he followed, along a narrow, winding path through the fields.

Emerging into the open expanse of the farmland, the three's worst fears were confirmed. The six farmers, including the farmer's son, were wreaking havoc with wild abandon and chasing other farmers with a farming tools in their hands. Their eyes, once kind and familiar, were now a deep, unnatural shade of purple that seemed to glow with malevolence.

Without hesitation, Eliya and Mori sprang into action. Mori stepped forward and grabbed her magic book, its cover shimmering with latent power. She began chanting an incantation, her voice steady and commanding. As she recited the ancient words, her body started to levitate, and a glowing golden-purple magical circle appeared beneath her feet, pulsating with energy. Her book floated into position in the center of the circle, pages flipping open to reveal intricate spell diagrams.

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