32. A World He Love

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Eliya's senses slowly began to stir as she awoke, pain can't be felt anymore. The first thing she noticed was the soft light of morning streaming through the high windows of the healing sanctum, casting gentle rays across the room. Her vision was blurry, but she could make out the figure of a young woman peering down at her, concern etched on her features.

As her sight cleared, Eliya recognized the familiar face of her friend Mori, tears glistening in her eyes but a wide smile spreading across her face.

“Eliya, you’re awake!” Mori exclaimed, her voice a mixture of relief and excitement.

Eliya sat, she couldn't feel the pain in her leg anymore. “What happened?” she asked, her voice soft as ever.

Mori took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving Eliya’s. “That gash on your leg. It started to corrupt you, and I had to use my magic to contain it. But as the moon rose, Ser Bennington arrived. He banished the corruption and brought you here to the healing sanctum, he came back as he promised”

Eliya’s eyes widened in surprise. “Ser Bennington? Where is he now?”

“He went home, resting” Mori replied. “He was weary and all patched up. He didn’t say why, but he looked battered.”

Eliya frowned, her mind racing with concern. “And Uncle Eldon? How did he react when he saw me like this?"

“Ser Bennington spoke with him in a private room after healing you and himself. I’m not sure what they discussed, but your uncle seemed very nonchalant.” Mori explainef.

Eliya lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling of the healing sanctum. Despite the comfort of the room and the soothing presence of her friend Mori, a deep worry tainted her thoughts. What had Ser Bennington told her uncle? Did he spill everything? Her mind raced with possibilities, each one more troubling than the last.

Just as her thoughts began to spiral, a sudden knock at the door jolted her back to the present. She glanced over as Mori, who had been sitting quietly by her bed, stood up to open it. Her heart pounded in her chest.

The door creaked open, revealing her Uncle Eldon, his expression as enigmatic as ever. He stepped into the room with a quiet grace, and without warning, flicked Eliya’s forehead lightly.

“Ow,” Eliya muttered, rubbing the spot.

Eldon crossed his arms, his gaze steady. “Liya,” he began, his tone firm but not unkind, “do not engage in dangerous experiments again. Ser Bennington told me what happened.”

Eliya’s heart raced, elated, so Ser Bennington decided to lie. “He did?”

“Yes, he did,” Eldon replied, sitting down on the edge of her bed. “He told me about how you were hurt because of your reckless curiosity.”

Eliya looked down, acting as if she was guilty. “I didn’t mean for it to go so wrong. I thought I could handle it.”

Eldon’s expression softened slightly. “I know you have a thirst for knowledge, but some things are too dangerous to tackle on your own. You need to be more cautious and seek guidance when dealing with such.”

She nodded slowly, her eyes meeting her uncle’s. “I understand. I’m sorry.”

Eldon reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder. “I’m just glad you’re safe. Ser Bennington risked a lot to save you. You should thank him when he's well.”

Eliya nodded again, feeling a mix of relief and lingering worry. “I will. But... what else did he tell you?”

Eldon’s eyes flickered with a hint of amusement. “Enough to know you’re growing up too fast for your own good. We’ll discuss this further."

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