31. Snatched Innocence

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The first light of dawn cast a pale glow over the battlefield, revealing the aftermath of the fierce night-long struggle. The air was heavy with the scent of scorched earth and the metallic tang of blood. Bodies of shadowy minions dissolved into nothingness, leaving only the faint echoes of their presence. Aiden, weary but resolute, stood with his wife, Elelly, and their loyal friend, Magister Alvoforn, and the charioteer, retreating to the carriage.

Aiden's eyes were filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "I must go back and check on the young women. They're already in this region and someone need to protect them"

Elelly's gaze softened as he looked at Aiden. "Of course"

"But how about you? Will you be okay?" Aiden questioned.

"I will. Alvoforn and I will continue to La Mina," Elelly replied, her voice steady. "We must meet with The Pollen and hold an emergency meeting with the Petals and The Seven. The threat Princess Lilith posed isn't over yet."

Magister Alvoforn, his tall yet hunched frame casting a long shadow in the dawn light, nodded. "We'll manage, Aiden. The council must be warned, and plans must be made."

With a heavy heart, Aiden embraced Elelly, holding her tightly for a moment. "Be safe."

"You too," she whispered back, her fingers lingering on his arm as he stepped away.

Aiden then clasped Alvoforn's forearm in a firm grip. "Take care."

"I will," Alvoforn promised, his eyes reflecting the gravity of their situation.

With one last look at his wife and friend, Aiden stepped into the carriage and the charioteer mounted his horse. The animal, sensing the urgency, pawed the ground impatiently. Aiden urged him forward. He turned and watched as the two set off towards La Mina.

The path back home was silent, the only sounds being the rhythmic beat of the horse's hooves and the occasional rustle of leaves. Aiden's mind was a swirl of thoughts about his daughter, the safety of his family, and the looming threats. The first rays of the sun pierced through the canopy, illuminating his path.

As the charioteer rounded a bend, the horse came to an abrupt halt. Aiden stepped out, before them stood two imposing figures, their presence immediately commanding attention. They were identical in every way, from their flowing hair to the malevolent glint in their eyes. The twin sister demons, their forms exuding a palpable sense of danger, blocked their path. Came forward after the other.

"Hi charming" Lilith purred, her voice a silky menace. Showing her presence in daylight, her elaborate outfit combines elements of armor with luxurious details, creating an image of a demon not only ready for battle but also one that commands attention and exudes a sense of nobility.

Her long pink hair, flowing, and slightly tousled, with bangs swept to the side and long strands framing the face. The hair is voluminous and extends down her back.

Lilith then removed her shadowy cape and revealed her seductive outfit that snugs her slender physique and hour glass shaped sillouhette. Her top, form-fitting bodice with a plunging neckline, accentuated with gold trim and purple fabric. It has a high collar and shoulder pads adorned with white fur, giving a regal and commanding look, then a large black gemstone is attached at the chest.

The sleeves of her top were long, black sleeves with gold accents that cover the arms completely. Then to her lower body, she wears a high-waisted, asymmetrical skirt with purple and gold detailing, with one side revealing her thigh and the other side covered. The skirt is accompanied by thigh-high stockings and armored garters.

She then pairs her outfit with a footwear consists of knee-high, heeled boots with gold accents and attached red jewels. And finished it off with accessories, and a long coat that flows behind her, lined with red and gold.

Aiden examined her features, her eyes were large, green, and almond-shaped, exuding confidence and a bit of mischief. Also she have pointed ears, enhancing her otherwordly look.

Lilith looked back at him with a confident smile, suggesting a playful yet commanding personality. She stands confidently, with one hand on her hip and the other slightly raised, reinforcing her commanding and assertive demeanor.

"A lone warrior, so far from his friends," Lithany continued, her smile revealing sharp, glistening canine. Also stepping out of the shade, revealing her appearance.

She have a long and slightly messy pink hair, with a few strands falling across the face. The hair is tied back in a high ponytail, giving it a dynamic and slightly wild look. She added a headpiece with spikes and a clothed necklace that matches her overall dark theme.

She then also removed her shadowy cloak, revealing her slender and hour glass shaped physique and intricate clothing. She have a top with a fitted bodice with a mix of dark colors, black and purple, and gold accents. The bodice has a heart-shaped neckline.

Her lower body's attire had a flowing, high-low skirt with layers of purple fabric and gold trim. Chains with sun-like medallions are attached to the skirt, adding a sense of weight and power.

Then finished her outfit with a knee-high, armored boots with intricate gold designs and wearing a black gloves with gold spikes and chains, enhancing her menacing appearance.

Lithany glared at him, rays of sun describing her features. She also have a large, expressive green eyes with a determined gaze. A slight smirk curled in her lips, giving her a fierce and self-assured look. Standing confidently, with a slight forward lean, indicating readiness for action.

Aiden's hand instinctively went to his ice orbs, that he only have three left, "Out of the way" he demanded, his voice steady despite the rapid beating of his heart.

The sisters laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the forest. "I'm ba~aack"" Lilith said, stepping forward.

"And we do so love a good chase," Lithany added, her eyes narrowing with malicious glee.

Aiden's grip tightened on his ice orbs. He knew he couldn't let them delay him. His daughter's safety depended on his swift return. "Then you've picked the wrong man to toy with," Aiden replied, his voice a steely resolve. "I don't have time for this." Then grabbed one of the ice orbs in his thigh bag and threw it to Lilith, but she dodged it as ever.

Then immediately he grabbed the spikes of shapeless ice, now turned into a lance upon holding it. He then signaled the charioteer to step aside.

With that, the standoff began, even though Aiden knew he is no match against them two, the dawn witnessing yet another clash of wills and steel in the struggle against the forces of darkness.


In the desolate expanse of Solstara Sands, a Healing Sanctum stood resolutely beside the towering gate marking the borders of other nations. The structure, crafted from pristine white marble, gleamed in stark contrast to the surrounding desert.

Outside, the lifeless bodies of two Solstaran guards lay sprawled in the sand, their uniforms tattered and bloodstained. The scene was eerily silent, the only sound being the whisper of the wind through the gate's massive iron bars.

Inside the Healing Sanctum, the air was thick with a sense of violation. Once a place of solace and rejuvenation, the sanctum now bore the scars of violence. The white marble floors were marred with crimson streaks, leading to the still forms of five healers. Their robes, once pure and flowing, were now stained and torn, their faces frozen in expressions of fear and pain.

In the midst of this tragic scene stood, a woman with deep purple skin and a long, twisted horn protruding from the right side of her head. Her striking appearance was softened by the grief etched into her features. She cradled a young red healer in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice breaking with each word. She rocked the young healer gently, her apologies a desperate mantra. The red headed young healer's eyes were closed, her small frame limp against her.

The sanctum, once filled with the gentle hum of healing magic, now echoed with her sorrow. The towering gate outside stood as a silent witness, its iron bars casting long shadows over the fallen, marking the boundary not just between countries, but between life and death.

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