28. Disguise

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The sun rose high in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the Eastern Rose Farm. The tranquil air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly tilled earth. The corrupted farmers, now healed and resting peacefully, were blanketed in thin sheets in a cozy farmhouse, their breaths steady and calm.

The three sat around a wooden table under a large oak tree, grateful for the shade it provided. The middle-aged farmer placed a hearty lunch before them. Bowls of steaming stew, freshly baked bread, and a platter of ripe fruit were spread across the table.

"Thank you for this meal," Eliya said, her smile warm as she looked up at the woman.

"It's the least we can do," the farmer replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "You've saved our farm and our people."

Again, Eliya just smiled as a response.

As they ate, the atmosphere was one of quiet relief and cautious optimism. Ser Bennington, ever vigilant, set his spoon down and looked at the woman, his eyes serious.

"Ma'am, can you tell us what happened that morning?" he asked, his tone gentle yet firm.

The woman nodded, her expression turning somber. "We were all having breakfast together," she began, her voice steady but tinged with lingering fear. "Everything was normal until suddenly, they all started acting strange. They clutched their heads, screamed in pain, and their eyes... their eyes changed color."

Ser Bennington nodded thoughtfully, his mind working through the implications. "Did you notice anything unusual in the days leading up to this? Any strangers, strange objects, or unusual events?"

The woman shook her head slowly. "No, nothing out of the ordinary."

As the meal continued, Ser Bennington couldn't shake the feeling that something crucial had been overlooked. He put down his spoon again and turned to the middle-aged farmer, his eyes keen with determination.

"Please, think carefully," he urged. "Did you notice anything unfamiliar or any unusual figures around the farm before this happened?"

The farmer paused, her brow furrowing in thought. She glanced at her hands, which were still rough and calloused from years of labor, trembling. Then, her eyes widened slightly as a memory resurfaced.

"Well," she began slowly, "there was someone. An Archon visited us earlier that morning. He asked for permission to gather flowers for the citadel. He's been doing that ever since we can remember, though."

Mori's interest piqued instantly. "An Archon, you say? Do you know him well?"

Rose Archons are steadfast guardians of their faith, unwavering in their devotion to the gods they serve. Throughout history, they have never faltered in their commitment and have never posed a threat or danger to humanity. Their presence brings an aura of divine protection and benevolence, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between mortals and the divine realms they worship.

The farmer nodded. "Yes, he's been coming here for years, always polite and never causing any trouble. He picks flowers for the citadel’s rituals and ceremonies."

Mori leaned forward, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Did he seem different this time? Anything unusual about his behavior or appearance?"

The farmer shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "No, he was his usual self. Polite and respectful."

Ser Bennigton just nodded, since he knew that Rose Archons are not to meddle with, for they are highly respected by the villagers and the Noble people. Mori then surrendered on prying information.

Then she locked her eyes to her friend, brows furrowing, "Eliya?" Mori asked, disturbing her from her deep speculations.

"If there's no other anomalities has been identified..." she paused. "Then the corruption can possibly caused by the food" she concluded.

Mori's and the middle-aged farmer's eyes widened, while Ser Bennington smiled, amazed as always.

"Let's finish our lunch at the moment, gain our strengths, and investigate after." Ser Bennington instructed, pleased at Eliya's speculations.

As the midday sun cast its warm glow over Eastern Rose Farm, Mori and Eliya decided to investigate further into the events that had transpired during the morning breakfast. Ser Bennington, duty-bound as a Crimson Knight, excused himself with a promise to return soon, his true intention hidden as he set out to track down the shadowy figure he had encountered earlier that day.

Mori and Eliya approached the middle-aged farmer, who had just finished clearing the lunch utensils. The dark haired young woman glanced at the remnants of the morning breakfast. "Can you show us what you all had for breakfast?"

The farmer led them to the kitchen, where a simple but hearty meal had been prepared earlier. There were loaves of freshly baked bread, bowls of porridge, and a pot of herbal tea. Eliya examined the ingredients closely, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Did anyone bring anything unusual to the table this morning?" Eliya asked, her eyes scanning the room for any clues.

The farmer shook her head. "No, everything was as it usually is. We eat the same breakfast almost every day."

Eliya's gaze lingered on the pot of herbal tea. "This tea... Where did you get the herbs from?"

The farmer pointed to a small herb garden just outside the kitchen window. "We grow them ourselves. It's a blend of calming herbs—nothing harmful."

Mori nodded thoughtfully. "And everyone drank the tea?"

"Yes, we all had a cup," the farmer confirmed.

Eliya and Mori exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them. "Thank you," Eliya said with a grateful smile.

As they left the kitchen, Mori turned to Eliya. "Do you think it could be the tea?"

Eliya nodded, her expression grave. "It's possible. We should analyze it further to see if there's anything unusual about the herbs or if they've been tampered with."

Meanwhile, Ser Bennington rode swiftly through the countryside, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the shadowy figure. He knew the importance of uncovering the truth behind its appearance and the potential threat it posed. The Crimson Knight's sense of duty and determination burned brightly as he rode, his mind focused on the task at hand.

Eliya and Mori stepped outside to investigate the herbal tea. Eliya carefully plucked samples of each herb used in the tea, while Mori examined the soil and roots for any signs of contamination or tampering. They worked methodically, their focus unwavering as they delved into the intricacies of the herbal blend.

After thorough analysis down to the roots, Eliya sighed and shook her head. "I can't find anything unusual or harmful. The herbs seem completely natural."

Mori nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "It seems the tea isn't the source of the problem."

Just as they were about to stand, Eliya noticed movement behind her. She turned and saw the middle-aged woman standing there, a serene smile on her face. Eliya returned the smile, but her keen eyes caught sight of something amiss—a tear in the woman's dress. Without hesitation, Eliya reached into her medicinal purse and pulled out the piece of torn cloth Ser Bennington gave earlier.

To her shock, the shadowy ailments that had cloaked the cloth vanished as she held it up, revealing a dirty white cloth identical to the woman's dress. Realization struck Eliya like a bolt of lightning—there was something sinister about the woman.

Before she could react, the woman's grin widened, her eyes glowing in dark purple hues that sent a chill down Eliya's spine. In a swift motion, the woman's hand transformed, revealing a sickle gleaming in the sunlight.

Eliya's heart raced as she realized the density of the situation. They were face to face with a dark entity disguised as an innocent farmer. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she braced herself for the impending confrontation, her mind racing with strategies to protect herself and Mori from the impending threat.

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