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Elimilek was finally leaving Israel, only for a while, he reminded himself. He moved swiftly, dressing for the deserts scalding temperature, wearing his strongest sandals, making sure he said all his goodbyes or as he called it, his see you soon’s.

He arranged to take only three camels, deciding to leave the rest of his cattle, selling them off for more shekels. They were all either dying or too malnourished for the journey he was about to take.

He straddled the three camels, with all the essentials as well as gallons and gallons of water. He worked a few more jobs, pushing himself to the limit at times, all so he could get more shekels, he'd give Naomi the rest he promised her.

On their day of departure, Mahlon and Chillion were nowhere to be found, even though he told them it was a seven day journey and they had to get to Moab in the daylight.

“They're probably off saying goodbye to their friends, you know how they are.” Naomi consoled.

“They've been saying goodbye for two weeks now, I swear those boys are the cause of my old age.”

Naomi laughed, a sweet tender sound, and it wisped his frustration away, making him chuckle.

So they sat, right outside their home, near the shade of a tree, waiting for their sons. Naomi lay her head on his chest and she heard the incessant, beating of his heart, his contained excitement wasn't hidden from her.

He kissed her forehead, holding her to him. The three camels sat around them, grunting and  chewing on the wheat they had brought them.

Naomi and Elimilek spent their last moments in Israel, reminiscing about their time there, about all the good that was, before the famine.

Elimilek saw that despite Naomi’s hesitance at his decision, and the encompassing pain she felt saying goodbyes to all her friends–people she knew all her life, he could see a new gladness that blossomed from her soul.

The night before, she was able to sleep through the whole night, even when the boys started playing tambourines in the night, banging on drums that they got from their friends all to say goodbye to Israel.

She slept with this smile on her face, and she woke up with a glow, and she laughed more and he was completely in love with that, he was completely in love with her.

He prayed in his heart, in his room and the night he went to the temple of the Lord, offering praise sacrifices and thank offerings; he prayed to give Naomi happiness.

While Naomi was relaying more of the stories she got from the women at the well, which was gossip, but she would hardly admit it was, they heard their sons.

“ Laugh now, but you will be thanking the Lord I brought these  pomegranates later. The country of Moab is probably a pomegranateless land.”

That could only be, Chillion.

“Chillion you're a fool. I would say it's in your genes, but I came out fine or has the famine gotten to your head?”

And that  could only be, Mahlon.

Naomi and Elimilek, shared a knowing look with each other, amused.  They stood up, preparing for their departure all over again.

The two of them spotted their sons, coming towards them, laughing and teasing each other like they were still little kids even though they were grown men.

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