Chapter 7 - When the Past Collides with the Present

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I am making my rounds in the hospital. We are nearly full to capacity after the attack on the headquarters. All surgeons are working double time to care for patients.

As I am coming out of a room from visiting a patient, I spot Orion walking down the hall. I grin and he notices me, smiling back. It's been a few weeks since we started dating, but with our blossoming mate bond, it feels longer. "Hi handsome." I greet him as he approaches. He snags me around the waist and pulls me into an empty room. "What-" My protests are quickly swallowed by his soft lips. He moans as he presses me into the wall. He quickly takes possession of my mouth. Gasping, I pull away. "Orion. I am on duty."

He steps away, rubbing the back of his neck cheekily. Chuckling, he says, "I think I lose my mind when I see you, Doc." His eyes soften.

"I feel the same, Orion." I stare at his beautiful face, lean forward and rest my head on his chest, sighing. "As much as my ego would like to think you are here to see me, I know better. What brings you here?"

"Oh, believe me, any excuse I can find to see you, I use." He laughs. "But you are partially correct. My partner has been here for a couple of days. I told you about it. We were patrolling and got tangled up in some gang violence. He got hurt pretty badly. The wolf that attacked him had laced his claws with something that has prevented my partner from healing."

"Is he one of Dr. Mason's patients?"

"Yeah. I believe so."

"Dr. Mason is out this week. He asked me to look in on his patients, so I will be taking care of him this week. How long do you plan on staying?"

"We have to discuss some cases we are working on. Especially some things with regard to the recent attack on headquarters. We are so covered up right now, none of us can slow down.  Not even the sick."  He rasped, combing his hand through his hair. He looks so tired.

I get on my tip toes and give him a chaste kiss on his mouth. "Go visit your partner and I'll grab my laptop cart and start working on my patient visits. I'll see you there soon. Okay?"

He places his hands around my waist and grips. His lips land on mine roughly as he gives me a steamy kiss. Before it can deepen, he pulls away. "I better get to work." He sighs as he adjusts his pants. I laugh as I leave him to his business.

Thankfully, I have not had a lot of CMS patients this week. It appears with the chaos at headquarters, not many people are interested in cheating on their mates. But I do have a lot of head injuries and wounds to attend to. Blessedly, we didn't have any fatalities, but I still have my work cut out for me.

Just before lunch, I walk into a room and find Orion sitting next to the bed. When he sees me, he hops from the chair and has me twirling in his arms before I can even get a word out. "There's my beautiful Doc."

"Well, hello again my pretty boy." I curl around him. He laughs and gives me a quick kiss.

"Doc," he says. "This is my partner, Bane Brooks." He indicates the wolf in the bed. "Bane, this is my mate, Dr. Skye Roberts. The one your lazy @ss helped me find when you begged off the assignment."

I take in the handsome man lying in the bed with his torso wrapped. My eyes widen. "Well Bane, the last time I saw you, the roles were reversed, I was the one in the hospital bed with bad wounds. Only difference is I didn't inflict these wounds on you, but you did inflict the wounds on me."

Orion's expression turns from one of happiness to confusion as he looks between us.

Once he recovers from the shock, Bane has the decency to look ashamed of himself.

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