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we arrive at the carnival hand in hand the smell of candy floss drifting through the air it had to be one of my favourite smells

As we walk into the fair immediately the sounds of kids screaming for joy, buzzer noises and lots more surround us with bright flashing lights normally this would of been to much for me and a sensory overload but I was with Derek and that calmed me down

"Where do you want to go first?"

"I don't know you pick"

"But I don't want to pick you pick"

"Ughhh trevsssss"


"Ok fine I'll pick, how about we ride the cyclone?"

"Like in that one musical where all the kids DIE!?"

"Trevs it's just a musical we'll be fine"

"I guess I'm sorry that was stupid"

"No its ok we can go on something else if you want"

"I would like that"

"Ok what should we do then"

"You still have to pick"

"Ok umm how about we go on the ghost train first one to scream owes the other five quid"

I was scared of this idea ghost trains have always been a fear of mine but I've been in PRISON it can't be any worse than that

"Ok bet get ready to lose"

We get on the train where the safety guy straps us in my anxiety was building

A second later and we were off Derek puts his hand on mine I think he could sense that I was anxious I squeeze his hand gently and he squeezes mine back

After the ride was finished we got off and incase you were wondering I lost the bet of course

"Here you go five quid"

"No keep it"

"But I lost the bet?"

"What kind of gentleman would I be to take money from you"

I feel my face turn red I had never really seen this side of Derek

He pulls me in for a quick kiss then he suggests we get lunch to which I agree as I could feel the hunger nawing away at my stomach

We find a table by a hot dog stand I tell Derek what I want and pull out my phone

3 unread notifications from Emily

"Hey sorry I didn't respond sooner"


"Just with Derek why is something wrong?"

"No I was just worried about you"

"Well you don't have to worry you know I can take care of myself"

"I guess anyways hru"

"I'm good and I may have something exciting to tell you"

"What is it you know I love gossip"



"Thanks em"

"No problem"

"Oh I gtg Derek has our hotdogs"

"Oh ok fe bye"

I put my phone away and look up and see dere trying to balance our food

"Let me help you numpty"


Derek sighs as the pressure relieves its self as I grab some of the food

"That's better"

I say as I set the food down with Derek

the food was delicious honestly

We talk a lot that meal I think that's always been our thing talking I'm a great waffler and he's a great listener


as we leave the fair the sun is setting over the horizon we get in the car and I'm nearly asleep so Derek drives taking us home

A/N: yet another bad chapter but I have some good ideas for the next chapter clue it's going to be a flash back chapter but that's all I'm gonna say also sorry this came out so late I'm tired af

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