Bar with Kristal

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The light pierces my eyes as I wake. I was on the sofa next to Derek we must of fallen asleep watching the movie, I'll need to rewatch it at some point to see what I missed.

I can't be bothered to make pancakes today so I just pour myself a bowl of cereal and put a piece of bread in the toaster for Derek. I felt bad for him especially because of the way he was threatened. It wasn't cool I didn't think I liked Kristal before but now I know I hate her.

The toaster pings Derek's toast was ready and it seemed like the ping woke him up right on time.

"Huh- what time is it"

"9:30am I got some toast for you"

"Oh thanks love"

"How did you sleep?"

"Amazingly actually- I don't know how"

"Probably because you were cuddling with me"

I joke


He smirks

He comes up kisses me and takes his toast

"Well do you have any ideas on what to do today cause I have nothing"

"I mean Kristal asked if I wanted to go to this new bar in town I'm sure it would be fine if you came with"

"Oh- um sure"

"That didn't sound very sure?"

"No it's fine I would be happy to go... it's just I'm surprised you still talk like your best friends with Kristal even after the shit that went down yesterday?"

"Oh- um no it's fine really we- worked it out"

That's was suspicious but I brushed it off I could deal with being with Kristal for one night especially if it made Derek happy

"That's good well sure let's go then"

That evening I put on my favourite shirt with my favourite jacket over the top it was the perfect mix of fancy and casual. Derek wore something just casual because that's just how he works, practical over fashionable for him.

"Hey you look nice"

He says in that tone that makes me feel like I'm melting

"Thanks I'm glad you like it but is it too much I don't want a bad impression with our boss"

"Stop worrying it's perfect, you look perfect."


I say whilst slightly blushing

I take his hand and we leave together we get in my car and start driving

"What music do you want and do we have to pick kristal up she's hanging out with Emily today so should we be picking her up from Emily's  or what?"

"Ok first put on Eminem and secondly we do have to pick Kristal up"

"Ok but, Eminem really?"

"Yes! What's wrong with that?"

"Everything Derek everything"

"Ok if your music taste is so good why don't you put something on!"

"I will!"

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