- Sixteenth -

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When Jungkook opened his eyes again, he found (to his great displeasure) that he was alone in bed. Taehyung's side was still warm, indicating that he hadn't been gone long. And this assumption was confirmed when, at the same moment, the bathroom door opened, revealing a shirtless Taehyung, dressed only in a jogging suit. And although his mind was still a bit sleepy, Jungkook was able to enjoy the view without any problems.

Taehyung wasn't naturally muscular. He'd always been rather tall and thin, although that had never stopped him from having well-defined abs, and more than enough strength not to fear anyone. However, Jungkook had to admit that military service had changed his body a lot. The man had put on muscle just about everywhere, his body had enlarged, his arms much thicker and his back wider. Jungkook loved the Taehyung of before, but he loved the Taehyung of now just as much. Especially as his muscles were much more defined than before, a real feast for the eyes...

"They say it's rude to stare, darling." Taehyung teased as he approached the bed.

Jungkook watched him silently, the man just sitting down next to him. As for the boy, he was still lying under the duvet, clutching it between his fingers.

"But you belong to me, Hyungie, so I have the right!"

This remark drew a smile from the man, whose heart-shaped lips had become the teenager's weakness.

"You've always got an answer for everything, haven't you, my big boy?"

Jungkook nodded with a sly smile. The boy was far too adorable, so Taehyung couldn't resist lying down beside him, wrapping his arms around his small waist and pulling him close. Jungkook accepted the embrace with pleasure, feeling his man's warmth spread over his skin as he buried his face in his muscular chest.

Taehyung first buried his nose in his long ebony hair, inhaling again and again the scent that drove him completely mad. He hugged him a little tighter, loving the feel of his small body fitting perfectly into his, like two pieces of a puzzle.

When he thought he was more or less sated, he placed a kiss on his forehead, then forced the teenager to leave the warmth of his chest to capture his lips between his own. Unlike their intense sex session the day before, this kiss was gentle, with no eagerness, just their lips moving lovingly against each other. They just felt each other, revelling in the warmth the other had to offer.

"Do you have to work today, hyungie?" Jungkook asked when the two men finally parted.

Taehyung leaned over and placed another kiss on his lips.

"Hm, I don't really have a choice... I've got a lot of catching up to do, because of my absence..."

Jungkook couldn't help but pout. He was well aware that Taehyung couldn't always be with him, especially as with a year and a half's absence, Taehyung not only had to deal with the company's current affairs, but also study all those he'd missed because of his military service. Of course he was going to be busy, at least for the first month of his return.

"Baby, don't sulk... What's more, I've prepared a surprise for you..."

Jungkook's pout disappeared instantly, replaced by big doe eyes filled with curiosity. Taehyung could have sworn he saw the boy's imaginary bunny ears perk up at the word "surprise".

"Really? What is it? Hyungie, tell me!"

Taehyung laughed at Jungkook's excited expression and pulled him off the bed in response.

"It's a surprise, darling, I can't tell you anything! But I can take you there..."

"Then do it! Hurry up, Hyungie!"

"All right, all right, my impatient little one..."

Taehyung trapped the boy's hand in his, intertwining their fingers, and they left the room together, Taehyung leading him further into the house. Jungkook followed, his eyebrows furrowed, and his confusion deepened when they stopped in front of one of the house's few doors.

"The guest room? Hyungie, what are we doing here?"

A sly little smile formed on the man's lips.

"I've been thinking about it, and I've come to the conclusion that we won't really be using this room. Our only friends close enough to sleep at home are Bangtan, but they all live nearby, so it had become a bit useless. So I had a little idea of how to use it..."

Taehyung opened the door, letting Jungkook enter first. It took the boy's breath away. The room he'd always known as empty had been completely refurbished, with lots of storage space, all containing the best painting materials. Tubes of paint (oil, watercolour and much more), brushes, canvases, absolutely everything was there, perfectly arranged. And in the centre of the room was a large easel, accompanied by a comfortable stool.


The boy was on the verge of tears and felt two arms wrap around his waist, Taehyung resting his chin on his shoulder.

"This is our house, you should be able to express all your talent here. If I have a room to work at, then you must have a room to paint at. What's more, I've kept the walls white, so you can decorate them however you like.

"It's perfect, hyungie..."

"Wait, you haven't seen everything yet, I've got one last surprise for you..."


Taehyung took his hand again in reply, and led him towards the window of the room, which was directly opposite the easel. And if Jungkook thought that Taehyung couldn't surprise him any more, he was wrong. He felt his cheeks turn red as he saw the view, the window looking directly out onto the garden.

"I've had the garden rearranged," Taehyung explained, "I thought it would make a perfect first painting."

Jungkook's tears mingled with the red of his cheeks, a smile working its way to his lips as he admired the magnificent poppy bed that covered the part of the garden that could be seen from the window.

Did he remember? Jungkook asked himself, his heart racing. He cherished the memory of that famous afternoon, when Taehyung had given him his first bouquet of flowers. He had never mentioned it to the man, thinking it was something trivial.

"I was such a fool back then..." Taehyung sighed, wrapping an arm around his waist to pull the teenager close to him and placing a kiss on his temple. "When did I ever think that a simple bouquet would be enough for you, who deserve at least a whole garden? The love of my life..."

Jungkook didn't know what to say, his heart was beating so fast and his face was so red that he couldn't even breathe a word.

"Welcome home, my love."


I love their dynamic, their couple is so cute. Honestly, Top mature Tae is really my kink, lol.🤭
Hope you liked this chapter, and see you soon 💕

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