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It had been two days since the girls fled into the night and headed back home to London. Sophie had come home with Penelope and had been hauled up in the guest room for two days straight. Sophie had been inconsolable when they first arrived at Penelope's flat that night, and she pleaded not to be left alone. So, Penelope had helped her out her dress, wiped off her make up, and put her in some baggy clothes to sleep in.

That was the last they had spoken.

Penelope had tried to get her to talk but she just grunted and rolled over back to sleep. She heard mumble a few times throughout the night that, 'he's found me, he's found me' numerous times, but every time Penelope tried to quiz her on it, she completely shut back down.

Penelope had been in contact with Benedict who was completely confused by the whole ordeal. He was so worried about her (even though they had only met for thirty minutes, and twenty of them being naked). Love at first sight perhaps? Regardless of their 'short' and 'quick' meeting, he had texted Penelope more than ten times, Sophie wasn't ready to talk to him, not yet.

That morning Daphne and Fran had arrived at Penelope's flat; they had cut their holiday short by a few days as they couldn't enjoy themselves knowing Sophie was going through something.

They were the fab four after all.

So here was Pen, Daph and Fran all standing outside the guest room, which somehow had been securely locked. "Sophie, you need to come out babe," Fran said sitting against the locked guest room door. Penelope shook her head, "She won't come out. I've tried." Daphne huffed and went over to the door and knocked on it loudly, "Beckett! Get your arse out here right now otherwise I'm knocking down this bloody door."

Francesca and Penelope were trying to take the 'light' approach.

Daphne on the other hand? Her patience had run out.

Sophie soon appeared at the door sheepishly and broke down in tears.

She was cradled by the girls, and they all made their way into the sitting room.

"You need to tell us how we can help you Soph," Penelope said as she kneeled in front of her on the floor. Sophie sniffled and wiped her eyes with the pyjama sleeve, "I don't want you all to think less of me." Daphne looked nervously towards Penelope, and then Fran draped an arm around her, "Sophie, we love you. Now tell us what is wrong?"

It was then the flood gates opened.

She explained that after her tryst with Benedict, he had offered to get them some refreshment's as she got herself 'sorted' for the party. But as soon as he left, someone else entered the room. It was an 'old' friend who knew her from London.

This old friend was none other than Nigel Berbrooke.

The girls gasped at the name.

They all knew about that man far too well.

Especially Penelope, since the Berbrooke family were the ones trying to unveil her Whistledown 'persona'. She really couldn't escape these blasted people.

Daphne furrowed her eyebrows, "He wasn't invited. What the fuck was he doing there."

No doubt he snaked his way in.

Sophie further explained that when she first arrived in London, she didn't really know anyone. In came Nigel Berbrooke, who presented himself as a good friend who 'just' wanted to help her out. This led to a very unfortunate situation where he invited her to a party, she quickly realised that she had been drugged, and then he tried to molest her. Miraculously, she had managed to make it out and away from him and any other danger, however, she didn't manage to make it out unscathed as he took some 'evidence' in forms of very inappropriate pictures.

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