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Bernard's stunning victory in the tournament swiftly earned him a legion of adoring spectators and fervent fans. In stark contrast, Maxwell faced a storm of boos and biting criticism from the disgruntled crowd after his crushing defeat at Bernard's hands.

The crowd's disdain only stoked the fire of Maxwell's simmering rage, pushing him to swear vengeance against Bernard for the humiliating loss. Yet, despite the hostility and threats from his embittered rival, Bernard remained calm and unshaken, reveling in the afterglow of his easy-won triumph. His poise and undeniable skill had won him the admiration of many in the arena.

Maxwell stormed out of the arena, his pride bruised and fury barely contained, but not before offering a sharp warning to his teammate, Nicholas. His voice, laced with venom, cut through the tense air as he advised Nicholas to show no mercy in the upcoming fight. His words lingered, heavy with the bitterness of his own defeat.

As Maxwell disappeared into the shadows of the arena's exit, the next match was called. The sound echoed through the arena, heightening the anticipation and signaling the next clash of wills.

The referee stood somberly in the center of the arena platform, his eyes fixed on Bernard, awaiting the victor's decision. Would he fight in the upcoming round or pass the opportunity to another contender?

Bernard, however, seemed to have lost interest after his victory. With a casual wave to the referee, he signaled his preference to step aside, relinquishing his place in the next round. The crowd murmured in surprise, sensing that Bernard's boredom had overtaken his desire for further combat - for now.

Respecting Bernard's choice, the referee signaled for the next contenders to take the stage. Nicholas entered the arena with grace, his composure unshaken, eyes gleaming with anticipation for the next challenge. Not far behind, Bethany boldly strode into the ring, her presence radiating confidence as she sought to prove herself a formidable opponent.

The arena, once buzzing with murmurs, fell into a tense silence as the two fighters squared off, their focus unwavering. With a sharp signal from the referee, the match began, and a surge of excitement electrified the crowd, their energy palpable as they awaited the clash of skill and will.

Nicholas, standing at the beta stage of the saint realm's hierarchy, regarded Bethany with a trace of disdain. She was at the extreme stage, a level beneath him, and in his eyes, hardly worth his time. He saw no challenge in facing her, but the desire to avenge Maxwell's defeat burned within him.

To Nicholas, Bethany was nothing more than a stepping stone on his path to redemption. His expression remained cold and impassive as he addressed her, his voice laced with a quiet arrogance, weighing his superiority.

NICHOLAS: "You are just a mere extreme of the saint realm's hierarchy. I would spare you now; if you choose to surrender," he warned her.

BETHANY: "Heh, such arrogance. Darling, you should know better than to underestimate your opponent." Bethany replied with a teasing, yet confident smile.

NICHOLAS: "Humph, then don't blame me for going all out. You chose this!"

As Nicholas spoke, a sudden torrent of oppressive azure flames erupted from the arena floor, twisting and surging toward Bethany with the deadly precision of a pack of predatory vipers. The crowd gasped in awe and fear, their eyes wide as they recognized the technique - Nicholas' infamous 'Burning Vipers.' It was one of his most feared trump cards, a lethal and destructive force that could overwhelm any opponent caught in its path.

The flames writhed and coiled with terrifying speed, their heat palpable, as they bore down on Bethany, promising nothing short of devastation.

Nicholas' sudden and overpowering attack caught Bethany off guard, leaving her momentarily dazed and scrambling to regain her bearings. She had warned him not to underestimate her, but even she hadn't expected him to go all out at her so early in the match. Realizing she stood no chance of surviving the 'Burning Vipers' head-on, Bethany swiftly shifted her approach.

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