The Guide to Achieving Immortality

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Characters: Bedrock Bros
TW: Offscreen child abuse, blood, and temporary character death.
Hope you enjoy! 💕

Every month on the first night of the waning moon an offering was brought before the altar of the Blood God. After it was left no one was permitted to touch or move it, lest they face the wrath of the god himself.

Well, if the god didn't want the woven basket full of freshly baked bread and ripe fruit stolen, then it shouldn't be left out in the open. Why let all that food go to waste when a hungry street kid could eat for at least three days on it?

Or at least that was Tommy's thought process as silently stalked among the temple's pillars, eyes zeroing in on the food basket. He knew this temple like that back of his hand; knew the smallest spaces to squeeze into, where the floor was squeakiest, and of course, the easiest way to get his treat without getting caught.

He wasn't a thief if they never caught him.

Pulling himself from his hiding place, he made his way carefully towards the altar, careful to stay on the pads of his toes so his footsteps didn't echo.

Kneeling in front of the basket, he began rummaging in it to find what looked the best. While he would love to take the whole thing and leave, he didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

He took just enough for it to look like an animal had gone through it, not a 10-year-old human boy.

"Jackpot," Tommy whispered to himself with a smile, pulling out a long loaf of bread. This could feed him for the rest of the week if he rationed it correctly. The bread with a few of the golden apples would be like a feast for a king.

Still, Tommy couldn't feel a ping of loathing. It was wasteful putting perfectly good food here to rot. Why did it need to be given to some god who didn't even bother to retrieve it.

Tommy could feed the kids that lived along his street instead of some guy in the sky who probably didn't exist.

"So, this is where my offerings have been going? Into the grubby paws of a little raccoon."

Tommy yelped in surprise, swiftly backing away from the basket. He looked over to to the direction of the voice, and what he saw had his heart racing in fear and his breath caught in his throat.

Standing in front of him was the scariest looking man he had ever laid eyes on. Towering at at least six feet, the man was dressed in a red silk tunic and pants, and a golden belt around his waist strapped a sword securely to his hip bone.

Gold jewelry adorned his neck and wrists with pieces of emerald dangling from his slightly pointed ears. Long, pink hair flowed freely over his shoulders complimenting a handsome, if only too perfect, face.

But what really had Tommy feeling like a cornered rabbit was the coldness in the red eyes that examined him. He almost wished the man would curse at him instead of staring at him with that emotionless expression.

He waited with tense shoulders and bated breath for this man to exact punishment on him. If he was lucky it would be a scolding, if not he would be beat and left aching for days. As well as being hungry to top everything off.

But neither one of those things happened. Instead the man spoke once again. "Why is a child here? Isn't it past your bedtime?" he drawled out, his voice monotone yet somehow still condescending.

Tommy jumped up, face with anger, and tiny hands curled into fists. "Oi! I'm not a child! I'm a big man!" Who did this guy think he was insulting him like that!

Just because Tommy was on the slightly smaller side didn't mean he couldn't take that guy in a fight.

Not that he was trying to instigate a fight with a brick wall of a man if it wasn't necessary that is.

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