Base Yandere Tengen Uzui Headcanons: Flashy Obsessive Love

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is with the Sound Hashira, Tengen! I will also do one where all his wives share you and another one where his wives and himself share you! Talk about being the REAL Fifth Wheel.]

(Disclaimer: Tengen Is Not yandere in canon, he also in canon has three wives. Also, he practices Polygamy and is most likely Poly with his wives. He in canon also loves and cares for all three of his wives. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.)

-Base Yandere Headcanons With Tengen Uzui From Demon Slayer-

.Lord Tengen was a shinobi, he was raised in a clan, and all his siblings but one died.

.He did not want to become like his father and brother. So he left.

.He has three wives, and he cares for them genuinely.

.He would prefer they put their lives first, then the lives of citizens, and lastly his life.

.He also told them he will always prioritize his three wives.

.Then he met you and he knew he wanted you, he loves his wives he does but there was something about you that made him want you even more.

.He would share you with his wives, so when you become his partner you will be their spouse as well.

.The Shinobi practice polygamy and Tengen is most likely polyamorous.

.So he would be fine sharing you with his wives, as he trusts them with his life.

.He is very protective of you and loves to show off his love in a flashy way.

.He is for sure the go big or go home.

.Showing off his strength and skill to you, and giving you gifts.

.He is a good man that respect his wives, and will also respect you.

.He will also put you first and foremost in keeping you safe and sound.

.He is so protective of you he will be hesitant of sending you into dangerous places.

.He does not want you to be hurt and it is a fear he has that one day he would lose you.

.So he rather you be the stay-at-home spouse, where you take care of any kids you and him and his wives have.

.That way he knows the kids and you are safe, and he trusts you to keep the kids safe.

.He also does not treat you like a house spouse.

.When he is back he takes on chores and lets you have breaks a lot.

.He also values the work you do for the home and future kids.

.There is no way he is going to make you feel unappreciated and he will always show how grateful he is.

.He also loves to toss you over his shoulder and smack your butt a lot.

.Though do not get it wrong he can be firm, he can be very much a daddy type of man.

.He will keep you in line if you were to try and run or if you were going to just leave him.

.When rivals are in the picture he is deadly.

.Of course, he does not kill them, he is not ruthless, but he will make the point that you belong to him and him alone and that no one else can have you.

.He will break bones, and make lots of threats, he is a Hashira so he can intimidate almost anyone.

.If A Demon ever hurt you, they would be not just killed but tortured for days on end.

.If his rival was a demon? They are slaughtered quickly.

.Speaking of, If a demon were to hurt you? He would probably snap and get really ruthless and flashy really fast.

.He never wants you to risk your life for his, he believes you should always value your life even over his.

.To him you are the most precious thing in his life and he rather you be safe and sound.

.His other yandere traits are that he is a self-sacrificing yandere.

.In which he will put his life on the line to keep you safe and sound.

.He wants you safe and happy, and he wants you to belong to him and his wives.

.He is one of the least toxic yanderes.

.Though he does get VERY jealous and feels like he may not be good enough for you.

.He does not like sharing you with anyone other than his wives.

.He will not allow that. not at all!

.He will also use his muscle mice to keep you safe and sound.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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