Base Yandere Headcanons With Yanderes: Hinatsuru, Suma, and Makio

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with anther chapter! Which this one has Tengen's Wives. They will be sharig you! So good luck!] 

(Disclaimer: Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru are the canon wives of Lord Tengen the former Sound Hashira. They were in the canon Polyagmory relationship. They are not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all!  Simping for and shipping fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 

(Side Note: They all will be in sections in this and what they are like sharing so it might be a bit longer, maybe!) 

-Base Yandere Headcanons with Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru all sharing You- 

.First up Makio, she is bold and confident and this carries over to how she feels for you. 

.She is bold in her feelings for you and wants to be able to be with you. 

.She is confident that she would be a good wife for you and be able to support you. 

.She is a very loyal yandere to her core, much like the other two as well. 

.Thoigh she has a soft side to her. She fears that she will lose you and not be enough for you. 

.So she does her best to support you and make you hers. 

.She is a very dedicated and determined yandere. 

.Now Suma, she is a very emotional yandere. She is a yandere that relies on her emotions. 

.She is a woman that loves you with all her heart and is like Makio a woman that is forward with her feelings for you. 

.If you were to priase her she would be so happy that she would cry and she becomes very emotional when you are hurt. 

.But if someone was to hurt you? She would loose her shy and uncomfoident demeaner to fight the person that hurt you. 

.She is very sweet and senstive so she would be the type to wear her heart on her sleeve and be the most sensitve with you. 

.She is a very clingy yandere, but also a very loyal yandere as well. 

.Even if she is scared of something she willd defend you with her life. 

.And Last but not least, Hinatsuru! She is probably the most calm of the three of them. 

.She is a calm and collected yandere. 

.She is the one to keep everything running forward and is the type yandere that always has a plan to win you over. 

.She is the one that keeps Makio and Suma in line. 

.Leading her co yanderes to win you over. 

.She takes that leading role with seriousness. 

.She also is a yandere that is a huge emotional support for you. 

.Being your rock and Ultimate support the way her co yanderes cannot be. 

.Now how they work together becausr they have to work together as yanderes to win you over. 

.All three of them live in a culture that they have one spouse, so they know if you were to have the three of them as wives then they could share you. 

.Makio does not tolerate Suma the best, espically when she is whiney and such. Makio has the most rivalry with Suma to be honest, but it is not nearly as bad as the three of them with other rivals. 

.The three of them know they can share you, but only with the three of them, and maybe their husband tengen. 

.They would deal with rivals by hunting the rival down and torturing them slowly. 

.They would let the rival live the first time, but be in terrible pain, but if the rival tried anything after that? They would finish that rival off for good. 

.Hinatsuru is the one to keep Makio and Suma from fighting. 

.Hinatsuru is the voice of reasons and the one that can gather Makio and Suma and rally them to put that passion they have into winning you over. 

.In the end they would all fight for you, becoming serious when the time called for it! 

.They all adore you and would put their life on the line for you. 

.They are the most loyal yanderes I think that I have ever worked with and they are the yanderes that could share you the best. 

.Very good indeed. 

.They confess to you over a delicious meal. 

.If you accepted their love you can expect to have a four or even a five way if tegen joins in. 

.If you say no, well they expected this and slipped something into your food. 

.You would be knocked out and they would keep you locked away until you learned to love them. 

.They or kinochi and have been trained to be shinobi and they will win you over. 

.You will be the best spous for them and their husband. 

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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