Cult Mama 1 (Mini-Series) Yandere Doma X Marie OC

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(No one's pov)

It was horrifying- more than horrifying- Marie had thought Kotoha insane when she mentioned the plan. Clearly, she'd taken one too many to the head.

"Y-You must be losing your sanity Kotoha! Run away?!" Marie whispered, her voice trembling. "N-no...No! You're about to burst- and- and if they catch us- that's it. We may as well kill ourselves because if we fail they won't show mercy- why they may not even need to kill us. The elements- animals! What if we escape- where do we go? You- you can't even see that well because he's beaten you so bad."

Marie's general kind and trusting nature were overrun by her fear, not just for herself, but her friend's child.

"But..what other choice do we have? If he continues...I'll lose my baby.." she said softly as Marie stopped. "And what of you? You two aren't officially married yet, look at what he's done already." She said reaching out as Marie flinched away so she didn't touch the tender bruises.

"Is that the man you want to give yourself fully to? You can be happy Marie. I can be happy, my baby can be happy. But not here..don't make me do this alone." Marie's lips trembled along with her voice, it felt like a lump had formed in her throat.

" sundown when we go to wash the clothes..we run. We run..and..and D-don't ever look back.."

And that was the plan.

Marie could feel something hit her head softly as she looked over her shoulder at her to-be husband, her hands shaking as she grabbed the bundled-up clothes.

"Why the hell weren't they already picked up?" "I-I'm sorry D-don't worry about that okay? J-just relax and I'll take these to the lake okay?" She asked, her voice trembling as she forced a smile.

She hated him...and yet..she still loved him. Still cared for him. He could be kind...she'd heard some women in her position have killed their husbands, but she could never hurt another living this was her only option. And it terrified her and broke her heart.

"Yeah..whatever...if you aren't back before dark, don't think I won't drag you back, I don't care if you're with your little friends. I've had enough of you publicly disrespecting me." He said but sat down, pouring himself a drink as she didn't say anything, just bowed.

She met Kotoha at her home, walking with the baskets to the lake as they looked over their shoulders before dropping the baskets and sprinting.

They ran for- god they didn't know how long. They weren't wearing the right clothes to track through the woods and mountains, and more than a few times Kotoha barely seemed to keep up, having to rest against trees as Marie would support her on her shoulders. In the distance, they could hear screaming.

"W-We never sh-should have ran..never- n-never- we have no wh-where to go.." Marie panted. She wanted to go back. It may not be safe but it was what she knew. There was comfort in the's what she deserved...

"No! We'll find people to take us in- I heard there's a temple. Please, Marie, stay strong..for me..for your nephew." She said. Although not related by blood, Marie was Kotoha's friend, with Marie being a year older at 18, and Kotoha at 17. Everything they've endured, they've gone through and supported each other.

Marie stopped before nodding. It was scary..but there's no other choice. The sun had set and night was dangerous. The temperature could drop and animals could roam..or the men could catch up, though it's been slow for a while and they've most likely given up..for today at least.

"There! There!" Kotoha pointed at the temple in the distance and both girls got a rush of motivation, rushing to the doors as they both pounded on the doors.

Demon Slayer Yanderes: Various Yandere Demon Slayer CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now