Tengen's Baby Mama (GIFT For MamaMaries) Yandere Tengen X Baby Mama Marie

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(No One's POV)

Marie came back from the butterfly mansion, she was grinning from ear to ear. It turned out that she was pregnant. She is pregnant with her and her husband's first baby. She is nervous, but also so happy. She wondered what her husband would think of this, would he be happy? Will he want a boy or a girl? Would he love their little baby? There are so many thoughts racing in her head. She made it home and there was Tengen's crow.

"Message for Tengen's wife! Message for Tengen's Wife!" It cries out and Marie raced over. "Lord Tengen is on his way home! He will be here in two days!"

Marie's eyes widened and she panicked. She rushed inside and started to deep clean. She was not the most tidy but she wanted the home to be good for her husband's return! It took her almost the whole day but she got everything clean, she then started to make a delicious meal for her husband. However, that was more tricky as she was having morning sickness with some of the smells of the food.

She did her best though. Finally, she finished making dinner as the kitchen door was slid open and Marie raced over to him.

"Tengen!" she cries out and he catches her with ease.

She started to cry into his neck as he held her in his arms. She always hated when he would go on missions for so long. It made him afraid that he would be killed.

"Hey, Marie." He says lovingly. "It is okay, I promise I will always come back. I would not be flashy if I died in battle."

She cries more, her hormones are making her so emotional. It took some time, but Marie was set down and she pulled him down into a kiss. He kisses back and puts his hands on her hips.

"I love you," she says and wraps her arms around him.

"I love you, too." He tells her.

"Come on, I made Dinner." She tells him and pulls him to the kitchen.

"You made a feast! Now that is flashy!" He says with a grin and sat down.

Marie is so hungry, but the idea of eating anything makes her upset.

"Hey, Marie you okay?" He asks.

"I-I have to tell you something, Tegen!" She says and grabs one of his hands. She has to do it now, now or never.

"Mar-" She cuts him off.

"I am pregnant!" She blurts out and he froze and then stood up and picked her up spinning her around.

"This is great! I am going to be a dad!" He grinned from ear to ear and Marie smiled, he was so happy.

He suddenly started to kiss Marie all over her face and pull her close, nice and safe and sound.

He then knelt down and kissed her tummy. "Hello, Little One, I promise you, your mommy is the best and your daddy will do his best. I will always protect you and Mommy."

Marie started to cry tears of joy. It was a beautiful moment between her, and her husband!


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