Chapter 24

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"What happened to all that 'I can protect you' crap?" Anna mimics me as we get back to the house.

"I got scared, okay?" I argue.

"Whatever. I'm going in. You better too, or I'll tell your mama on you." She warns me.

"I'll tell your mama on you." I mimic her in a high voice.

"I do not sound like that!" She crosses her arms over her chest, obviously very offended.

"Yeah, yeah." I say. "I'll be in in a few minutes."

She narrows her eyes at me as if to say 'you better' before stalking into the house.

Once the door has shut behind her I head back towards the woods but a gun shot has me going the other direction, towards it.

It's to dark to tell, but I can see my Dad crouched down over a body. I think it might be Shane.

"Dad?" I call, my voice shaking.

He stands up and walks towards me.

"Carl. You know you should be back home with Mom."

Behind him, it's clear to see that it is Shane. His arms start moving and he pulls himself to the ground. It's clear to see even in the dark that this isn't Shane anymore. It's Walker Shane.

I pull out my gun and load the barrel as he starts to walk towards Dad.

"Just- just put the- put the gun down." Dad says, holding his hand towards me for me to stop. "It's not what it looks like. Please."

Tears squeeze out of my eyes and my hands shake as I aim for Shane's head.

I squeeze the trigger and Shane's lifeless body drops to the ground and Dad spins around in surprise. He thought I was going to shoot him.

A sob escapes my throat and I run to Dad, hugging him tightly.

"Let's go." Dad says after a moment.

"Are you bit, too?" I ask on the walk back to the house.


"Shane was?" I ask.

"That wasn't Shane. You know that."

"It used to be. What happened? Were you guys attacked? I mean, I- I heard a gun shot but I didn't see any other Walkers near by. How did Shane die?"

Dad stops so I do too. He turns towards me, about to tell me something when we hear growling. The two of us slowly turn around to see what looks like hundred of Walkers coming towards us.

"Oh my God. Go!" Dad pushes me and we both start running for our lives.

We run almost all the way to the barn before pausing for a breather.

"We got to get to the house. We have to warn the others!" I say, breathing heavily.

"We'll never get through that. Can't go around." He says, looking around.

"Carl, stay close." We take off running, making it into the barn just on time.

He slams the door shut and barricades it with a piece of wood as the Walkers start pounding on the door. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shitting my pants right now.

"Go up the ladder! Hurry!"

"What about you?" I cry.

"I'll be right there. Drop the lighter when I say." Dad says, handing me a silver lighter. "We'll stop some of them from reaching the house and distract the others so we'll at least have a chance.

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