Everything is fine

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I know I'm a little late, but I gave you this chapter right now.
I just have exams now and I need to pass it all. I also got distracted by drawing and trying to draw what my characters would look like. I'm stuck and can't make a female figure, wrists with five fingers and the most problematic thing is the hair! If anyone has experience and can give advice, I will be glad!

It was clear that Mei was thinking about taking this risk. On the one hand, she will lose her humanity and become some kind of creepy crap, on the other hand, she could continue to remain human and... OH, who is she kidding!? She accepts this offer! No one believes that she will become a great inventor, plus her parents have forgotten about her and her experiments. They had her brothers and sisters who had a more promising future than her, plus at school she was already sick of these stupid hooligans who were destroying her kids. At school she could not learn anything new since she had already gone far ahead, it simply took up a lot of precious time for her inventions! So it's a win-win.

Meanwhile, Izuku looked at her, not understanding what was going on in her head, and however, he didn’t want to. He turned away from her and checked the core for errors. After he was convinced that there were no errors, he pulled up the first drone and began installing the core.

Mei was distracted from her thoughts when she noticed that he installed the core in the drone and placed it in the middle of the room. Then they watched when he got up, a thunderstorm thundered outside the window and it started to rain. They looked at the drone's body and saw... that nothing was happening at all. He put on a disappointed expression and started poking him in the face.

"Wakey wakey." After a while he slapped him, and then another, then another... and another... "Come on!" He said between spanks. "Wake up!" After which he began to shake him.

She looked at this with embarrassment. It was very awkward and she was glad that no one saw it. He tried to wake him up in different ways... and he switched between them every time the lightning struck, as if it were a transition in the montage. He spanked him, shook him, shocked him, threatened him...

“Maybe there’s something wrong with his programs?” She suggested hoping that he would stop. “Since apparently the problem is not in the spare parts, then I think-” She was distracted by the sound of a slap, looking up she saw how he was making a face with his hand.

"Face palm. I'm a fricking idiot. Exasperated sigh."

Oh, now he began to say his actions, apparently this blow damaged something there.

"Awareness. I completed the kernel but didn't load any programs into it." After which he began to look for a wire to connect to the drone and download software into it.

After these embarrassing events, the drone was now operational. Firstly, he stood, and secondly, he looked at her with his yellow eyes and a cute little smile. Something in his gaze alarmed her, it seemed that he wanted her to die... I hope after she becomes a SICK COOL CYBORG he will stop looking at her. Plus he seemed somehow small compared to the other body.

"So~... This is the first working drone that we... I mean you made." She said correcting herself. She did not take part in the creation at all so she has no right to it. "We can patent it and thus no one can steal what you created. Also, if someone wants to mass produce them, they will have to go through us and give a percentage of their income to us."

Izuku, meanwhile, thought about making them a mass product. Firstly, it can help people, and secondly, it is a good source of income. He had already thought about one corporation that would be interested in this. But first we needed to make sure that no problems would arise. In a hurry, he apparently downloaded a damaged backup, so he needs to make a second kernel to connect more stable software. In addition, this backup had a rather strange name: CYN. It was some kind of play on words because it sounds like SIN. He put that aside for now and began creating a second core.

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