When white gets darker...

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[ I know I owe you a chapter. I've just been busy working all summer and playing games whenever I could to relax. I've also recently become addicted to AI chats, so apologies. I've noticed some activity on my projects during this time, and I'm glad about that... Thank you! It means that it wasn't in vain that I tried to do this and tried to find the right scenes and titles... I'm glad you like this project and my other works! ]

Mei returned back to the estate and noticed a couple of Drones making their way here. They had recently managed to get everything in order and it was already ready to be put up for sale. She thought about how much she could sell it for, but decided that she would not do that. She had become attached to this place. It was her second home, so to speak.

She couldn't get that meeting with that guy from the TV studio out of her head. There was something wrong with him... like he wasn't interested in anything other than his channel. Maybe she could give him a few Drones to help him out, because if he could make more money, he could give her more money. So she should consult with Izuku about it.


It's been a week since he made this deal. The equipment she fixed was working fantastically. She also sent him 4 robots yesterday and said that they should help him. They were as tall as he was and had thin limbs, instead of a head they had just a rectangular screen. He decided to use them as a film crew, he thought that they would just do what he said and that would be it. But he was wrong! They filmed everything PERFECTLY! He would definitely pay her back with interest! After all, such robots should not be given away for free.

Looking through the documents and news, he noticed that his ratings had become a little higher! He began to climb up again and if everything continues, he may become one of the top! The most important thing is that more advertisers began to contact him to place ads on his channel, after all, money does not come out of thin air. Within a few days, he began to receive more profit and could afford to fire those mediocrities! They had already outlived their usefulness and were only hindering his goal! Now he hired new people who put in more effort. Although they were embarrassed by the fact that instead of a film crew there were robots, so they slacked off a little. But thanks to their brilliant director, ME, they were able to "cope" with their irrational fear.

Although not everything was so smooth. Some arrogant heroes tried to force him to advertise them for free, as if it was his duty. He was already tired of writing them letters of refusal and even saying it to their faces, and listening to their unoriginal complaints. It came to the point that they threatened or tried to sue. But he did not become the head of the TV channel for nothing! I was able to use the law against them and they could not even give me any argument, watching them understand that they were driven into a corner is just great! Although I agreed to advertise the products of the heroes, if they were ready to pay of course. So things were going uphill for now and I could finally spend more time creating my masterpieces. So I will definitely return her favor! After all, without her, he would have continued to be at the very bottom.


It's been 4 months since I gave that TV guy those robots. Izuku helped her make them so that they were smart enough and also so that they weren't too bulky. She also planned with him to give the drones themselves to her future investors: Yairozu Corporation! They were incredibly rich and specialized in selling all sorts of technology and producing a bunch of hero merchandise. So they could easily sell those drones and thus give her more resources for her inventions! She could even buy the whole building and declare it her private property, and no one would dare break in!

Heroes Disassembly RequiredWhere stories live. Discover now