end of era

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Hiiii I know that this book is finished I declared but i couldn't help but want to publish it. It's not about ICT But fab 4 of cricket.

Fabulous insanely sane 4

Kane Williamson:
Guys, I just shared a post about the "end of captaincy era." It's been a wild ride, hasn't it?

Virat Kohli:
Wow, seeing that post hit me right in the feels. We've come a long way from being the young guns to now the senior statesmen of the game.

Joe Root:
Absolutely! I remember my first match as captain like it was yesterday. The nerves, the excitement... feels like a lifetime ago.

Steve Smith:
Same here, mate. Who would have thought we'd all be leading our countries and achieving so much? Crazy journey!

Kane Williamson:
Do you guys remember that ICC U19 World Cup? That’s where it all started for most of us.

Virat Kohli:
Oh yeah, 2008! I still remember how intense those games were. We were all just kids with big dreams.

Joe Root:
And look at us now. We've not only lived those dreams but also created legacies. Feels surreal.

Steve Smith:
Speaking of legacies, remember when we used to give each other a tough time on the field? Those Ashes battles, India-Australia series, England-New Zealand matches... legendary stuff.

Kane Williamson:
How could I forget? Those matches were the highlight of our careers. And the best part was, no matter how intense it got on the field, we always had respect for each other off it.

Virat Kohli:
Absolutely. I think that's what set us apart. The ability to compete fiercely but also to understand and support each other.

Joe Root:
Remember that one time after a particularly tough series, we all met up and just talked about everything except cricket? That was one of the best nights.

Steve Smith:
Haha, yes! I remember Virat trying to teach us some dance moves. That was hilarious!

Kane Williamson:
And Joe was trying to get us to play the guitar. We were a mess but it was so much fun.

Virat Kohli:
Good times. We should do that again sometime. It's important to stay connected.

Joe Root:
Speaking of staying connected, how are you all feeling about the transition? No longer being the captains but still being part of the team?

Steve Smith:
It’s a bit strange, to be honest. But I think it’s also a chance for us to mentor the younger guys, help them grow into their roles.

Kane Williamson:
Exactly. It’s about passing the torch and ensuring the team remains strong. I’ve enjoyed seeing the younger players step up.

Virat Kohli:
Same here. It’s our turn to guide them, just like our seniors guided us. Plus, it’s a bit of a relief not having all that extra pressure!

Joe Root:
True. We can focus more on our individual performances now. But I’ll miss the strategic side of things, planning and leading the team.

Steve Smith:
Yeah, but we’ll always be leaders in our own way. Leadership doesn’t end with the captaincy.

Kane Williamson:
Well said, Steve. And honestly, I couldn’t have asked for better friends and competitors. You guys have pushed me to be the best I can be.

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