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Virat sat in his room, his heart heavy with a mix of longing and jealousy. He had been looking forward to spending some quality time with Gauti bhai, but it seemed like Gautam was always surrounded by others—Rinku, SKY, Shubh, Rahuliya, and a few more. They were laughing, joking, and sharing stories, while Virat felt like an outsider, unable to break into their tight circle.

He tried not to let it get to him, but the feeling of being left out gnawed at him. It wasn't like he didn't have friends or wasn't loved, but seeing Gauti bhai so engrossed with the others stung a bit more than he'd expected. He missed the days when it was just the two of them, talking about cricket, life, and everything in between.

Unable to shake off the jealousy, Virat sighed and leaned back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He knew he was being unreasonable, that Gauti bhai had every right to bond with the others. But knowing that didn't make the loneliness any easier to bear.

Lost in his thoughts, Virat's phone buzzed, breaking the silence. It was Yuvi calling. A small smile tugged at his lips as he answered.

"Hey, rabbit! What’s up?" Yuvi's cheerful voice came through, instantly lifting Virat's spirits. But Yuvi quickly sensed something was off. "Vi, what's wrong?"

Virat hesitated for a moment but then sighed, knowing he couldn't lie to Yuvi. "I don't know, Yuvi. I miss you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It feels like... like I'm being left out. Gauti bhai is always with the others, and I just... I miss him too."

Yuvi listened quietly, letting Virat express his feelings. He didn't need the details to understand that something was deeply bothering his rabbit. "I miss you too, Vi," Yuvi said softly. "And I'm always here for you. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know," Virat replied, feeling a bit more reassured but still overwhelmed by his emotions.

Yuvi's mind was already racing, thinking of how he could help. "Listen, rabbit. Just hang in there, okay? We'll figure this out together."

After the call ended, Yuvi's expression turned serious. He couldn't stand to see Virat so troubled. Without a second thought, he pulled up a travel app on his phone and booked the next flight to Columbia. He knew exactly what he had to do: be there for his rabbit, no matter what.

As he packed his bags, Yuvi couldn't help but smile, imagining the look on Virat's face when he showed up unannounced. He was determined to remind Vi that no matter the distance or the circumstances, their bond was unbreakable.

The sun was beginning to set over the lush greenery of the practice grounds. The Indian cricket team was gathered, laughing and chatting after an intense training session. Gauti bhai, always the vigilant mentor, was keeping an eye on everyone, ensuring no one pushed themselves too hard. His eyes, however, kept drifting to Virat. There was a subtle change in Vi's demeanor, a shadow that had crept into his usually bright and spirited eyes.

Gauti bhai wanted to check on him, but every time he tried, he found himself intercepted by others needing his guidance or attention. Rinku had a question about his batting technique, Sky wanted to discuss strategies, Shubh and Rahuliya were debating a point and sought his opinion. As much as he valued these interactions, he couldn't shake off his concern for Virat.

Just as he finally managed to extricate himself and started walking towards Virat, he heard a commotion. Heads turned as Yuvraj Singh, the legendary Yuvi, emerged from a car that had just pulled up. His arrival was unexpected, and the team erupted in surprised cheers and greetings. Yuvi's charismatic presence had always been a source of joy and inspiration.

"Yuvi pa!" several voices exclaimed in unison, rushing to greet him. Among them, Virat stood frozen for a moment, his eyes wide with a mix of surprise and relief. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he dashed towards Yuvi, a broad smile spreading across his face.

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