Shall we? I don't think so

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I walked out to a man with a rifle and a man with a pistol looking around. They saw me and started to shoot me. I had to run for my life. I felt like I was in a stag game and I was the stag. I found an open door and walked right in. I locked the door and barricaded it. I was about to sit down when the windows broke and bullets started to fly. The wall was riddled with bullets. One grazed my neck and it woke me up.

DD was fast asleep. I saw a woman by the door. The skin was torn off here and there in her face. Her hair looked like a lawnmower was let loose on it. Some of her hair was short and some of her hair was long. She was wearing a knee length white dress. Her clothes were shredded here and there. One leg was missing. She was using a spear as a cane. She threw knives at me and she walked forward and fell face down. I looked over the edge to see that fog had covered the floor. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I lay down to find my serenity when a spear shot out of the mattress. I thought it hit DD. But he was fast asleep. Suddenly the mattress swallowed DD and I was alone. I saw a young girl in pigtails applauding as leather straps appeared out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around me. The spear kept popping out randomly when it finally pierced my heart. I jumped up and saw Dimbo in front of me. He smiled politely, I hope that I didn't drug you too much in the car. So it was real! I looked out the window to see that we were in the woods. I was strapped to the bed. He came and kissed my forehead. I shook my head, "Get off me"

He took a step back and asked to see me. I smiled, "Zelda is asleep. I am here." He casually asked me, "What's my name?" I shrugged, "Dimitri" He gave me the look of death, "Wrong answer" I asked him, "What? Do you want me to call you? Dimka? You lost that right so I am calling you Andropov or Dimitri. Get used to it" He pulled something out of his pocket and tapped me on the chest. He frowned, "Wrong answer" I felt the electricity course through my heart. I thought my heart would stop beating. It was one of the most painful experiences and I vowed to only use the taser on my worst enemies. I begged God to let me wake up next to DD. Dimbo must have heard me say DD. Since he pulled back the taser and started smashing things. His violent nature is why he got the name The Incredible Hulk. I retorted, "Hulk smash. Zelda is right. You have no control over your temper whatsoever. You think that destroying things is going to change the outcome? It won't so stop it you fool"

He looked at me, "Who?" I calmly answered, "The one that likes to attack you. Her name is Zelda. Didn't I tell you that? Oops! We came up with the name hulk since your specialty is smashing. I mean look around. I didn't do what you did." He pointed the taser at me like it was a sword. He ordered, "Summon my wife and go back to the hole you crawled out of" If I didn't do anything so he tried to tase me. I screamed, "DD" his hands froze a foot from me. I decided to let soft serve deal with this numb skull. So I called her out.

I opened my eyes to see Dimka. I gave him the look of contempt, "Where am I? Where is my husband? Where is DD? What did you do to him?" Dimka gave me a sad look as he sat next to me. He said softly that we had moved away. In the mirror Zelda is seen shaking her head to say that he is lying. I tried to get up and saw that I was strapped down like I was in an insane asylum. I knew the bed frame well. I asked him to summon Apple and he said that she is back in the insane asylum where she belongs. The hospital faked her death since they felt that there was someone after her. Now that the threat is eliminated they moved her back to her ward. I told him, "I will never choose you. I chose DD" he jumped off the bed and started to curse in Russian.

There was a knock on the door. Dimka walked a few paces towards the door when it blew up. Shrapnel flew all over the place. Henry and his men barged in and Dimka had no choice but to run away. I was weeping for DD. Henry carried me to DD and he took me to the helicopter. I told DD that Apple is alive. This was breaking news and the others sent a friend to work as a nurse to confirm. When it was verified that Apple was alive. I had to make a few calls. Cassie and Tanya were livid to know that Apple was alive. Cassie couldn't sneak in so she charmed one of the orderlies to do her dirty work.

We managed to get Apple out and tied her like I found her. I didn't want her to bleed. I didn't want any proof that she was here. I was going to take a taser to show my displeasure that she betrayed me. Dimka showed up. I asked him if he was here to rescue her. She laughed saying that she was saved. He said he has no interest in saving Apple. The woman has been an annoyance that refuses to leave him alone forever. This was a blow to Apple's ego. She screamed for help but like I said Dimka ignored her as a rule. I told him to leave and find a life for himself since he is unfaithful to me. Dimka offered to be my alibi in exchange for marrying him again. I told him that I am ready to go to jail. He asked me to take it back. He said that he wasn't going to tell anyone anything. He just wants things to be normal again. I told him that this is normal for me. I closed my eyes and summoned her.

I saw Apple and gave her a pat on the cheek before I gave her a bath. By bath I mean she was hosed, lathered with soap and rinsed thoroughly. I looked in the mirror and saw soft serve and Dimbo. I pulled out my gun and told him to get on his knees. I didn't forget that he had pepper sprayed on me. Apple or as I called her nuisance was begging the hulk to let her go free. I looked around and found a syringe that says Propofol. I remembered that this is one of the vials she prepped for Uncle Davis. I picked up a vial and injected it into her bellybutton. At first there was no reaction but soon her heart started pounding severely like she was falling asleep. So I helped her out of the hook and walked her towards a flight of stairs. She passed out as she fell face forward and died. I called Tanya and she called the police saying she heard a break in. I on the other hand arrested Dimka and took him to the precinct. I said that I found him near my favorite coffee shop. He quietly turned himself in. He waited for his lawyer and the woman got him home in under an hour.

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