Chapter 4 - The Dance

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TW - This chapter involves the use of some substances. 

Chop. Chop. Chop. Chelsea's chopping away at carrots as I enter the apartment. She looks up at me; her eyes light up. She places the carrots in a mason jar full of bell peppers, onions, and spinach and then she runs up to me. "How did it go?"

Dejected, I take a seat on our brand-new couch. I lean onto the chair arm. Our television is set up and mounted to the wall, displaying a video of a fireplace. Chelsea washes her hands and runs to sit beside me.

"I'm sure you made a good impression."

"She told me to leave the office before we finished." I start.

"Oh-" Chelsea pauses, carefully thinking over her next set of words. "That company doesn't deserve you then. I'm sure there's hundreds of places looking to hire you."


Chelsea nods, and I nod back. I watch the fireplace for a moment. I had a few other job interviews scheduled this week. I wasn't sure why I was so caught up on this one.

"What are your plans for the rest of today?" Chelsea turns to me.

"Nothing much, just getting all of our furniture set up." I look around, and it looks like Chelsea had already done a lot of it between last night and this morning. "Maybe some more job search too?"

"Noted," Chelsea hums. There's a shift in her tone. As if she has an idea. "I think there's a little coffee table we bought. You want to get a jump start on that?"

"Sure," I stand up. Chelsea stays seated. "Where's it at?"

"The closet in the hallway."

I make my way to the closet hallway. It's full of boxes. Most are empty and in dire need of recycling. I hear footsteps, then the closing of a door. Likely Chelsea's bedroom door. I sift through and located a small rectangular Ikea box.

I find myself sitting on the couch again, scratching my head as I read through the instructions. You'd think my art-focused major would prepare me for a task like this, but I was mistaken.

"Brooklyn!" I hear Chelsea call out. Relieved to have an excuse not to finish the table, I walk to Chelsea's room. She bursts out of the door with a face full of makeup. "Okay so I did some digging and I found something."

"Found something about what?"

"Some cool shit to do today so you can forget about that place," Chelsea grins. She opens up her phone. "There's a drop in painting class later today at the Cloisters museums. It's completely free! Want to go?"

"Maybe," I start. That did sound exciting. "But, I haven't finished the coffee table yet."

"Oh yeah, I figured you wouldn't- no offense. I just wanted enough time to get ready." Chelsea half smiles hesitantly.

"You bitch," I roll my eyes, before smiling back at her. "Alright give me like ten minutes. I'm going to change into something more casual."

After I was done changing, I met Chelsea by the kitchen taking a big bite out of a brownie. She smiles at me. "Ready?"

"Yeah," I nod.

"Okay. Sam is waiting outside for us! It'll be like a little road trip. We'll drive all the way up to the Fort Washington bridge, take pictures, head up to the museum, and maybe have some dinner up there! I also have a surprise for later if you're down," Chelsea winks. She grabs her purse.

Sam sits behind the wheel with a cup of iced tea in her hand and a can of Red Bull in one of the cupholders. A classical piece plays on the radio. I couldn't tell you which one. Maybe Mozart? There's a 'click' as she unlocks the door.

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