Chapter 8 - My Turn

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A/N - Sorry to repost this chapter guys, but you should re-read it. I made a few KEY changes, that are pretty important to the plot.

Also, sorry for not posting yesterday. My girlfriend is in town this week, so posts may temporarily go from daily to every other day. I hope you all don't mind! To make it up to you, this chapter is a little longer than usual, and you will be receiving another chapter this evening. 

As always, let me know what you think!



I got to work extremely early this morning. Thirty minutes to be exact. So I decided to try out the free breakfast. 

A lot of people had the same idea in mind apparently, because the line almost led back out into the door. 

I sigh, stepping onto it. It didn't hurt to save a few dollars and a walk to the nearest cafe.

There's only one paper plate left on the table. As I reach for it, I see another hand reach down. I retract and look up to see a girl with vibrant bronze skin and box braids that reach past her shoulder. Then I look at her name tag. 'IMANI GRACE - CP ARTISTIC DIRECTOR'. She smiles at me, gesturing for me to take the plate. I take a breath and pick up the plate, giving her my best smile that doesn't seem too forced.

"Thanks," I say quietly. Then I step up to the buffet table and plop a cream cheese bagel into my plate with a side of fruit.

One of the custodians comes around to set down some more plates and utensils.

I pour myself a cup of orange juice and have a seat at one of the tables. I keep my head down and on my meal and hear the sound of a tray being set down next to mine. It's Imani.

I plaster another fake smile onto my face. "Oh, hello again!"

"Hey," Imani greets, squinting her eyes to read my tag. "It's so nice to meet another new person here."

"Yeah.... You're already pretty popular around the office. I've heard about you," I hum. "Uh- all good things of course! Since you're the new Artistic Director of this department."

"Yeah, sort of- the old one is still in the process of retiring. I have no idea what I'm doing honestly," She lets out a nervous laugh. "But our supervisor has been training me, and I've been shadowing the director in a few of their meetings."

"Nice..." I nod, going back to my breakfast.

She takes a bite of her chocolate muffin and looks around the room. "What did you think of that announcement they made in the roster email yesterday?"

I raise my eyebrow slightly. "Roster email?"

"The one for our floor where they give us like- updates?" Imani pivots.

"Oh..." I tap my chin lightly. My eyes focus on the table. "I didn't get anything."

"Oh-" Imani nods.

Yeah. Awkward.

"Nice to meet you though, I'm headed to my office. Want to get a head start on decorating it." I stand up. In my defense, the walls were pretty bland and depressing.

"Aren't you headed to the training?" She asks, confused. "I think they said it was for all new employees."

"I didn't hear anything about that..."

"I'd definitely check in with Ezra then!" She states. She seemed concerned.


Ezra paces back and forth frantically.

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