Chapter 7 - Her Rules

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A week has passed since I received the email.

This was a deal with the devil, but I had no choice but to accept the offer. I couldn't pick and choose when rent was just two weeks away and my starting salary was twice the amount I initially requested when I first applied.

I'm back at the LUMINANCE building. 

This time, I'm sitting behind an empty desk in my office. It was weird saying that. My office. It sounded so professional.

I peek out into the hallway. Employees shuffle in and out, back and forth into different rooms, carrying on with their morning routines. 

I never pictured myself working in a place. When I was younger, I wanted to buy a van and start a band with Sam. She was totally on board with the idea too. She played the violin really fucking well. I couldn't really play anything, but I figured I'd be a decent vocalist.

We never really got past the song-writing phase, though. She'd have to hide the music away from her parents and after a while, or write down things in her diary. Eventually, we both gave up, since we were like eight anyways.

There's a knock on my door. A man with pastel purple hair and thick, rectangular glasses emerges.

"Hello,MsÁlvarez.Welcometotheteam,I'mtheheadofthisfloor,blahblahblah,yougetthememo,mynameisEzra JohnsonJustcallmeEzra,Here'syourwelcomekitandthe employee handbookYou'llbeseeingalotofmeHappywecanfinallybewellacquainted soon ." He sets a large box on my desk.

"Um, what?" My eyes widen as I try to process what just happened.

"Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush this morning. I'm Ezra. My office is right down the hall if you need anything else. Remind me of your role again so I can get your door plate printed?" Ezra picks up the tablet from on top of the box and punches a code in.

"Brooklyn Álvarez... I'm the Color Palette Artistic Director."

"Um, no darling. That's Imani, I'm on my way to train her now. You're..." Ezra swipes up and down on the tablet screen. "Ah, yes. How could I forget! You're Ms. Zaryanova's assistant. Good on her, she's always working herself to death. Good, okay. I've really got to run now! Good luck."

He's about to leave, but his phone rings. He answers it hastily. "Oh good morning... yes... uh huh. Yes. Okay, thanks."

Ezra slips it in his pocket. "Perfect timing. She's requesting to see you now. I'll see you later!"

"Wait-!" I call out, but he's gone. God damn. I take a deep breath. Okay.

I make my way to the elevator. 

Personal assistant?

That bitch.

Of course she didn't make me the artistic director. This was her way of getting back at me.

The doors to her floor open, and I make my way to her office. She's seated behind her desk with a laptop in front of her. 

Since I've last seen her, she dyed her hair again. It was a deeper, richer shade of pink. It was pulled into a ponytail, but loose enough for her to fall to front and the side. The sides were freshly shaven too, with a pretty nice fade.

I stand in the door frame, trying not to stare too hard. "You requested to see me? I think you also have some explaining to do."

Aleksandra resumes typing. She takes one hand off the keyboard and gestures for me to come closer and sit at one of the seats across from her. "Come."

Round two. This all felt too familiar. 

Was she planning to interview me again? Just to torture me? I take a seat.

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