Chapter 9 - The Invitation

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Imani waves. "Oh, hello Ms. Zaryanova! If you don't mind after you're done speaking with Ms. Alvarez, I'd like to have a conversation with her. If that's okay."

"No worries, we've addressed all of our key points," Aleksandra clears her throat. She turns to my desk. "So, I'll need that paperwork done by 3:15 today, Alvarez. 3:15 sharp. No mistakes. Get it done. I'll be out of the office, so you can leave it with Ezra." She demands. Her heels click loudly as she makes her way down the hall.

"She's so intense," Imani whispers after she watches Aleksandra step into the elevator. Then she steps into my room. "Don't tell anyone, but I don't like her."

There's a silence.

"Are you doing okay?" Imani looks at me with wide, sympathetic eyes. "I saw you um- crying earlier and having to deal with her after all that is probably a lot." She sighs.

If only she knew.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just getting used to the work culture here. It's been a lot," I sigh. I move my feet slowly, making my way to the desk. My eyes landed on Ezra's paperwork. Given my conversation with Aleksandra, I doubt I'd have to worry about it. I open a desk drawer and shove it inside.

"I can only imagine," Imani shakes her head. "It's not fair to you. People who work in places like these get promoted once or twice and think they've made it just because they can dress up in a suit and tie."

I take a seat on my chair, and my eyes land on my welcome box. I've stared at it about a million times since today and yesterday. I return my eyes to Imani. "It's not. I'm probably just going to file a complaint or something."

"Don't. It might make things worse. Cooperations will always take the side of the top employees," She explains, then she walks up to my desk. "Uh-... but..." She sets down a box and a coffee. "From the bakery next door. These are for you. My treat."

My eyes light up. "Really?"

"You deserve these." She smiles at me. "I want to you know that you're seen, okay?"

The words are warm, but for some reason, I can't feel the warmth. It's an odd feeling. I don't know how to return the gesture. "Oh- thanks!" I smile.

She smiles back at me. "It's no problem. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"


She waves; The door closes.

Holy shit. Dread settles in as thoughts begin to clutter my mind. Did she hear us?

I don't think we were being loud. I don't remember.

I didn't really do anything. I just made out with the CEO in my office.

What would people even think? Would I lose my job? Would Aleksandra lose hers?

She probably has good lawyers, so nothing would happen to her.


I pace around the room, back and forth.

The images of Aleksandra replay in my mind. This had to be another dream.

I pinch myself.


My lips press into each other as I think about what Aleksandra may have done if we weren't interrupted. Her hands searching my body. Reaching up my skirt. Her tongue, piercing my lips. Exploring my collarbone.



I didn't see Ezra for the rest of the day. I even completed the rest of his paperwork and everything. I managed to get off from work, at five on the dot, and catch the quickest train home.

In there in record time.

The lights are off. I step into the dark living room and flick them on. The room is completely decorated with all of the furnishings we purchased. There's even some art on the wall and potted plants. It's gorgeous.

Then, something catches my eye. A bright pink electric guitar hangs from the wall. It's shimmering and has a signature from what I assume to be one of Chelsea's favorite artists. I'm so tempted to take it down and give it a strum, but I'm able to restrain myself.

Chelsea emerges from the hallway. She pops one of those party poppers, and it scares the living daylights out of me. I jump.

"Surprise! We're all moved in now!" Chelsea beams.

"God damn, Chelea!" I catch my breath. Then, I'm back to smiling. I run up to her. "This is incredible. You're such a good roommate."

"I had nothing better to do anyways," Chelsea laughs. "You're the one heading out and doing a big girl job."

"Yeah, but- this is so good. It actually feels like a home in here now."

"Thank you, thank you," Chelsea bows. "I'm throwing a party this weekend! I probably should have asked first..."

"No, no! A party sounds good." I shake my head. "I'm down!"

"Good," She lets out a sigh of relief. "I convinced Laura Sue to bring her band down and perform some live music for us."

That explains the guitar.

"How the fuck- How did you even..." My eyes widen.

"My dad's business," Chelsea says after a few moments. "She's really big into the products, apparently. I didn't even know."

"That's great!"

"Yeah! Anyways! Who are you planning to invite? Met anyone at the office?"

I breathe slowly. "Oh, maybe not anyone from there. They probably just head to boring formals and stuff like that," I let out a nervous laugh.

"Wouldn't knock it until you tried it," Chelsea winks. "Laura can play one or two chill pieces I'm sure."

I roll my eyes. "We'll see."

"I'm about to run out and get some more supplies, wanna come with?" She walks up to the coat rack and picks a tan Michael Kors trench coat.

"I'm super tired from work, I'm sorry. I promise we can hang out soon though," I place my coat on the rack and give her a thumbs up.

"No worries! See you!" Chelsea waves.

I'm on the couch with my arms crossed and legs folded. A party, huh? I couldn't even think of anyone to invite other than Sam. Chelsea probably invited her already anyway.

At work, the only people I talked to frequently were Aleksandra, Imani, and Ezra. Imani was nice enough. A little too nice, but it was probably just her personality.

Ezra? No.

Aleksandra? For obvious reasons, my mind led me to a no. I still wasn't clear on what was going on between us, but, what was the worse that could happen if I asked?

She'd probably bring her girlfriend and rub it in my face.

I decided to wait and see how tomorrow played out before I opened up my contact list.

A/N -

As promised, here is your second chapter for today. If you haven't read the *updated* last chapter, I recommend reading it again. There were some important character development changes with a few of the characters.

Hope you're all doing well!

Take it easy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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