Chapter 6 - Fever Dream

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"I want you," I mumble breathily into Aleksandra's ears. I lay half-naked in front of her, red from embarrassment. Her eyes scan my body. She's so enthralled she's practically drooling. She leans down closer, her lips nearing my neck. They're close, but not close enough. A whimper escapes my lips. I wanted them on me. I wanted them exploring every inch of my collarbone. 

I reach my hand up to pull her closer, but she catches them. She pins them above my head in one foul swoop and stares at me as if she was ready to devour me at any moment. My legs and body shake in sync. I bite my lip and moan out, "Fuck, please?" I can barely even recognize my voice. I sound so desperate.

Aleksandra doesn't falter. It's driving me insane. I want her to rip the rest of my clothes off. I want her to want me to. She moves her hand to my thigh, and inches it up closer and closer to my inner thigh.

Then, she stops. A sly smirk appears on her lips. "This is really unfortunate, now isn't it, Brooklyn?"

I feel the warmth of her breath all throughout my neck, and I feel myself quiver. My entire body shakes. "W-What?" I mumble. "What do you mean?"

"Open your eyes."

Suddenly her warmth leaves as she moves away from me. I want to reach out. But I feel myself drifting away from the bed. Further and further, until...

I wake up.

Fuck. I open my eyes.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


Why her?

I can't escape her. Even in my sleep.

My stupid fucking hormones.

I turn over, to see Sam sound asleep next to me. I ended up just letting her sleep in my room since I couldn't get the futon set up and I didn't want to wake up Chelsea.  

She's holding on tightly to one of my stuffed animals. It's a giant stuffed duck I won at a carnival in forth grade.

Shaken, I reach my hand up to cover my face. It's drenched in sweat. In fact, my entire body was sweating. I move it to my legs. It's soaking wet. God, this was so fucking embarrassing. I was relieved Sam wasn't awake.

I grab up some towels from my dresser and run to the shower. I turn it to the coldest setting. My teeth clammer as the cold water runs over it, it's so fucking cold. But, I stand there, completely still, to feel the full sense of relief of the ice-cold water running down my body. I wanted to stay in the shower for years. I didn't want to come out. I grab some soap with a loofah and scrub all over.

Aleksandra's face flashes in my mind over and over. Her smirk. It irks me. I hate it so much.

After I'm finished, my shower robe wraps me into a warm embrace. I see Sam flipped upside down on my bed, scrolling through her phone. Her legs swing back and forth as she hums silently to herself. She spots me once I step into the door frame and she waves.

"Slept okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I slept fine..." Sam nods. "My mom blew up my phone and she's threatening to take my car away if I don't get home in the next hours."

"What?? That's insane. You paid for that car." I raise my eyebrows. Sam finished college a year ago. I wanted her so desperately to get out of her house, but it always felt like she was being sucked in one way or another due to stupid and unfair circumstances.

"Yeah, Too much time away from home or something. It's uh- it's fine though. I will talk to her." Sam shrugs, trying to play it cool, but I could tell she was hurting inside. "I should get going."

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