Chapter 5 - Museum Date

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Seeing Aleksandra up close was always so much more intimidating. She was dressed a lot more casually than the last two times I saw her, in just a black T-shirt and a pair of tan khakis. I was able to see her tattoos. She had a lot of them. A lot more than I expected. There was a huge sleeve on her left arm that consisted of some sort of arrow with streaks, and a snake wrapping around and going down to her wrist. Her arm muscles bulge out of her top.

"Watch where you're going!" She growls. But, I couldn't help but see another smirk form on her lips.

She loved this. I could tell.

She loved every moment of this. She loved striking fear into people. She loved being the one on top of the food chain.

It was all making sense to me now.

"One second," I turn back to Chelsea, letting go of her hand. I take a deep breath in and out, before looking Aleksandra directly in the eyes. "You were the one blocking the doorway, no? I expect an apology."


Her smirk drops.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I am-"

"Not the boss of me," I cut in. Feeling proud of my comeback. "Right?" I grin. I can tell this caused something to shift in her. She was fuming. 

She takes a step closer to me. We're so close that I can smell her cologne. Now we're having a stand-off. I stare, unwavering. Our eyes don't leave each other. Her stare was calculated, skeptical, and full of thought. Adrenaline rushes through my veins. I waited in anticipation to see what she was going to say next.

But instead, she says nothing. She steps back. I'm completely shocked. Did she give up?

Clapping emerges from the audience, causing the two of us to immediately break our stares. The dancers all take a bow for the audience. They throw out flowers to the crowd. An announcer comes out to thank the audience and ask for donations.

Chelsea claps loudly. "Yayyy! Brooklyn, you did so good!"

"That's not..." Sam looks at her. "I think everyone is clapping at the performance."

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense..."

The dancers scatter after their applause, and one of them walks up to Aleksandra. She leans up and wraps her arms around Aleksandra's neck. Aleksandra pulls her into her, resting one of her hands on the back of her upper thigh. "Thank you so much for coming out to support me," The dancer prims. She takes her crown form off of her head and places it on top of Aleksandra's.

Aleksandra chuckles, warm and hearty. "Of course, Malishka."

It was like I wasn't even there. Like I was somehow invisible to her now. 

Sometimes stirs inside me. I don't know what, or why. Part of me wanted Aleksandra's attention on me again so that we could get back to... arguing. I finally had a chance to show her up. To show her that she didn't scare me.

The dancer leans up for a kiss. Aleksandra places her hand on the dancer's chin and sends her lips crashing into hers. Suddenly, I see a smirk form on Aleksandra's face. One of her eyes flashes to mine for a split second.

Checkmate. That was it. Aleksandra had won, yet again.

I feel a tug on my shoulder. It's Sam.

Sam was right.

We needed to get going.


"Is everything okay, Brook?" Chelsea frowns.

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