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Amara's classes weren't too bad this term. Her schedule included Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Charms, Potions, and Astronomy. Today, she was on her way to Potions with the Gryffindors. She wasn't thrilled about having one of her favorite classes tainted by the presence of prideful gits, but at least Simon was in her class.

Once she arrived, she quickly sat down next to Simon. Soon enough, the loud Marauders barged in. Amara rolled her eyes and whispered to Simon, "Kill me now."

Simon chuckled, shaking his head. Just then, Professor Slughorn entered with a cheerful smile. "Good morning, class. I hope you're not too comfortable because you have assigned seats."

Everyone groaned in unison. Slughorn began reading off the seating arrangements. Simon got paired with Lily Evans, which left Amara waiting nervously for her name. Finally, Slughorn announced, "Amara Ashton and James Potter."

Amara groaned internally and reluctantly gathered her things to sit next to James. He arrived shortly after, glaring over at Lily who was chatting with Simon, sighing in frustration.

Slughorn wrote the instructions for the Draught of Peace on the board. Amara immediately started adding ingredients and stirring, as Potions was one of her best subjects. James, on the other hand, struggled with measurements and couldn't remember which way to stir. Amara tried to ignore him, but his incompetence was so glaring that it made her cringe.

She finished her potion quickly and raised her hand for Slughorn to check. He inspected her work, smiling. "Excellent work, Miss Ashton. It's perfect. Ten points to Slytherin."

Amara glanced over at Simon with a smug smirk, receiving a thumbs-up in return. Meanwhile, James let out a sigh of frustration. His potion was a completely different color than it was supposed to be. She couldn't help but chuckle. "Do you need help?" she asked, trying not to sound too condescending.

James, full of pride, snapped back, "No, I'm perfectly fine."

"Alright, then," Amara said, rolling her eyes and returning to her own work.

After a minute of struggling, James's pride crumbled. "Fine, I could use a little help," he admitted reluctantly.

Amara smirked and began fixing his potion as best as she could. Slughorn came over, inspecting James's potion with a critical eye. "Keep trying," he advised James. Then, turning to both of them, he added, "I want you two to stay after class."

They exchanged confused looks. Had they done something wrong? After class ended, Simon came over. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Amara replied, shrugging.

After everyone else had left, Slughorn called them to his desk. "James, you've been really struggling in my class. So, I want Amara to tutor you. She's the best in the grade, and I think it will help you immensely. Amara, are you okay with that?"

Amara nodded. "Yes, Professor."

Slughorn continued, "Amara, you can plan when you meet with James. James, I'm excited to see your improvement."

James, looking a bit annoyed, said, "Hey, why didn't you ask me if I was okay with this?"

"Because you have no choice," Slughorn replied firmly. "You are in desperate need of help."

James tried to argue but quickly realized it was futile. Amara thanked Professor Slughorn and left the classroom. James hurried to catch up with her. "Hey, so when are we going to do this?"

Amara looked at him, considering. "I need to check my schedule because I'm busy this year with being captain. I'll get back to you."

James rolled his eyes as she walked away, heading off to find his friends and grumbling about his predicament.

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