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The bright sun filtered through the windows of the Hogwarts Great Hall, casting warm light on the long tables filled with students enjoying their final breakfast of the school year. For most, it was a time of excitement, thoughts of summer break and relaxation filling their heads. But for Amara it was bittersweet.

 She loved Hogwarts, loved the freedom that came with being here. The ability to practice magic openly, the companionship of Regulus and Simon, and even the thrill of Quidditch matches—it was all a part of her world. A world she would soon have to leave behind as she returned to her parents' Muggle home for the summer.

They love me, she thought. But they don't know the real me.

She hated hiding her identity—her true self. Being a witch was a part of her, and every time she returned to the Muggle world, it felt like she was putting on a mask. No wands, no spells, no magical friends. Just Amara, the girl who fit in because she had to, not because she wanted to.

As she looked around the hall, her eyes landed on Regulus and Simon, whispering to each other in hushed tones. They stopped immediately when she approached the table, both of them wearing matching expressions that made her pause.

"All packed?" Simon asked, flashing her a quick smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yep. You?" Amara replied, trying to push away the odd feeling building in her chest.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Simon said, popping a chocolate frog into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully.

Regulus, who had been silent, finally spoke up, his voice quieter than usual. "All set for summer."

Amara could feel an odd tension in the air. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she could tell something was bothering them. "Just... be safe, alright?" she said, her tone light but her gaze focused on Regulus.

The two boys exchanged a quick glance. It was so brief that Amara almost missed it, but there was something... heavy behind it. A look that carried more meaning than the surface suggested.

Simon, usually the more carefree of the two, shifted in his seat. "Yeah, you too, Amara. Be really careful this summer."

Amara's brows furrowed. "What do you mean? Careful about what?"

Regulus's expression darkened slightly, but he quickly masked it. "Just trust us, okay? Watch your back. And... look after your family. We want you to be safe."

Amara blinked, taken aback. She opened her mouth to ask more, but the serious undertone in his voice made her hesitate. "Okay," she said slowly, unsure of what exactly they were warning her about.

Sensing the shift in mood, Simon quickly changed the subject. "This year wasn't bad, eh? Aside from you having to tutor Potter, we did win the Quidditch Cup."

Amara let out a small laugh, grateful for the lighter topic. "Yeah, that was definitely a highlight," she said, trying to brush off the lingering worry from their earlier conversation.

As breakfast continued, the conversation drifted from Quidditch to summer plans, but the uneasy feeling in Amara's stomach wouldn't go away. Simon and Regulus acted like everything was normal, but she couldn't shake the sense that something had changed—something they weren't telling her.


The rhythmic clatter of the Hogwarts Express moving along the tracks was usually soothing, but not today. Amara sat by the window, her gaze flicking between the rolling hills outside and her two best friends, who were lounging in their seats across from her, eating Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. The compartment was filled with laughter as Simon tossed a bean at Regulus, who barely caught it before it hit the floor.

"Ew, earwax," Regulus groaned, making a face as he tossed the bean aside.

"Serves you right for laughing at me during Potions," Simon retorted with a grin, stuffing another frog into his mouth.

Amara chuckled, but her heart wasn't in it. She couldn't shake the memory of Regulus's warning at breakfast. It had been such a strange moment—completely out of character for both of them to be so serious, especially with Simon involved.

Simon leaned back in his seat, stretching out lazily. "This summer's going to be brilliant. Sun, no homework... finally."

Amara nodded absentmindedly, her fingers fiddling with the edge of her robes. "Yeah, brilliant," she echoed, though her voice lacked the usual enthusiasm. She forced herself to focus on the present, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Regulus caught her eye, and for a moment, she saw a flicker of concern pass over his features. "You alright?" he asked quietly, his voice low enough that Simon didn't hear.

Amara hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine."

But she wasn't. The truth was, she had no idea what Regulus and Simon were so worried about. And whatever it was, it clearly wasn't something they wanted to talk about.

As the train rattled on, the laughter continued, and they all fell into easy conversation again. But no matter how much she tried to push it away, the warning lingered at the back of Amara's mind, gnawing at her. It was like a shadow she couldn't quite shake, and as the Hogwarts Express sped closer to London, the sense of dread only grew stronger.

She tried to push the thoughts aside. It's just summer, she told herself. What could go wrong?

But deep down, she knew something was coming. Something that neither Simon nor Regulus wanted to say out loud.


Part one is finally DONE!! Im so happy yall made through this book so far. Hope yall enjoy it so far!!! I have so much planned, I am so excited!!

This is my first fanfic so im trying and learning on the way!! Don't be a silent reader!!


Ik part 1 seems rushed. Dont worry Brandon and Tutoring with be continued for the rest of the parts. I just wanted to move 5th year fast because so many things go down in 6th year!!!

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