𝟚𝟠 | 𝕃𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕧𝕤. 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤

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The crisp February air bit at Amara's cheeks as she strode confidently onto the Quidditch pitch, the emerald green of her Slytherin robes fluttering behind her. The stands were filled with students from all houses, eager to witness the legendary Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match. The air was thick with tension, the rivalry between the two houses fueling the excitement and anticipation.

Amara gripped her broom tightly, her heart racing in her chest. She had been waiting for this moment ever since the season began. Facing off against James's Gryffindor team was always a challenge, but it was a challenge she thrived on. Amara lived for Quidditch—she was a strategist, a leader, and she was determined to prove, once again, that Slytherin was the superior team.

"Ready to crush them?" Felix asked with a wicked grin as he spun his Beater's bat in his hand.

Amara glanced at her teammates, Dorian and Cassandra , who were both Chasers alongside her. Lucian , their Keeper, hovered confidently near the goalposts, while Theodore , their Seeker, stood stoically by his broom, eyes already scanning the sky for the Snitch.

"Absolutely," Amara replied, her voice filled with confidence. "Let's show Potter and his lot why we're the best."

On the Gryffindor side of the pitch, James Potter was already mounted on his broom, his hazel eyes narrowed as he watched the Slytherin team take their positions. The usual cocky grin that adorned his face was absent today. This match meant more to him than most—Slytherin had been dominating the Quidditch season, and he was determined to change that.

"We've got this, James," said Fabian Prewett, one of Gryffindor's Beaters. His twin brother, Gideon, gave a confident nod, twirling his bat.

James nodded, but his eyes were fixed on one person: Amara. He hated how good she was. He hated how she always managed to outplay him, not just on the field but in nearly every academic subject. Potions, especially. It irked him to no end that Slughorn insisted on Amara tutoring him in Potions when all he wanted was to be left alone.

"She's not that great," James muttered under his breath, but he wasn't sure if he was trying to convince his team or himself.

Sirius, who stood beside him on his broom, barked out a laugh. "Don't lie to yourself, Prongs. You know she's good. But today, we take her down."

James grunted in response, focusing on the game ahead. He wouldn't let Amara get the best of him. Not today.

Madam Hooch's whistle cut through the air, signaling the start of the match, and immediately, both teams shot into the sky. The Quaffle was thrown into the air, and Amara zoomed forward, her reflexes sharp as she snatched it from under James' nose.

"Too slow, Potter," she called over her shoulder, smirking as she sped towards the Gryffindor goalposts.

James cursed under his breath and shot after her, his broom barely keeping pace. He wasn't going to let her get away that easily. Fabian and Gideon swooped down, aiming their Bludgers toward the Slytherin Chasers, but Felix and Seraphina, the Slytherin Beaters, were ready. They deflected the Bludgers with expert precision, giving Amara a clear path to the goal.

"Blackwood, cover the left post!" Amara shouted to Lucian, knowing that the Gryffindor Chasers would attempt a break after her move.

With a calculated spin, she tossed the Quaffle to Cassandra, who passed it back to Dorian in a seamless play. Amara darted forward again, receiving the Quaffle once more as she made her way toward the goal.

James wasn't far behind, his eyes locked on her as he tried to intercept. He could feel the tension in his muscles, the weight of the game pressing down on him. He couldn't let her win.

Amara could see the Gryffindor Keeper, Benjy Fenwick, bracing for her shot, but she wasn't fazed. With a quick feint to the left, she dodged James' attempt to block her and hurled the Quaffle toward the center hoop.

"GOAL!" the commentator's voice echoed through the stands, and the Slytherin crowd erupted in cheers.

Amara grinned, her heart racing with excitement. She loved this feeling—the thrill of the game, the rush of adrenaline. She glanced at James, whose face was twisted in frustration.

James clenched his fists, hovering in midair as the game continued around him. How did she always manage to get past him? He was supposed to be the best. Quidditch was his thing. But here she was, outplaying him, outshining him—again.

"Shake it off, Prongs!" Sirius called, flying past him as he whacked a Bludger toward one of the Slytherin Chasers.

James grit his teeth and shot after the Quaffle, determined to redeem himself. The match was a blur of speed and skill, both teams giving everything they had. Gryffindor fought back hard, with James managing to score several goals alongside his fellow Chasers, including a brilliant play where he managed to outmaneuver Amara and send the Quaffle soaring through the hoop.

But Slytherin wasn't backing down. Amara and her team worked like a well-oiled machine, their plays precise and calculated. Even Felix and Seraphina, the Slytherin Beaters, were relentless, sending Bludgers rocketing toward the Gryffindor players with dangerous accuracy.

Amara's focus was laser-sharp. She could feel the weight of the match bearing down on her, but it only fueled her drive. The score was close—too close. Both teams were neck and neck, and the tension in the air was palpable. Every time Gryffindor scored, she felt her stomach churn with frustration, but she refused to let it show.

"Stay on them!" she shouted to her teammates as she zoomed toward the Quaffle once more.

In the distance, she spotted Theodore, their Seeker, tailing the Gryffindor Seeker, Marlene McKinnon, as both of them searched for the Snitch. Amara knew that the game could be decided in an instant if Theodore caught the Snitch before Gryffindor could pull ahead.

Suddenly, a Bludger came hurtling toward her, sent by Fabian. Amara swerved just in time, narrowly avoiding a hit to the head. Her heart pounded, but she didn't let it shake her focus.

James was growing more frustrated by the second. Every time Gryffindor pulled ahead, Amara and her team would come right back, matching them goal for goal. His broom dipped and rose with the frantic pace of the game, and he could feel the sweat on his forehead despite the cold air.

Then, it happened.

High above the field, the Snitch appeared, glinting in the sunlight. Both Theodore and Marlene spotted it at the same time and shot toward it like lightning bolts.

"Go, Nott!" Amara yelled, her heart racing as she watched the two Seekers chase after the tiny golden ball.

James' stomach dropped as he realized what was happening. If Nott caught the Snitch, the game would be over—and Slytherin would win.

But it was too late. In a flash of green and silver, Theodore Nott's hand closed around the Snitch, and the whistle blew, signaling the end of the match.

"Slytherin wins!"

The cheers from the Slytherin side of the stands were deafening, while the Gryffindor supporters groaned in disappointment. Amara couldn't help the triumphant grin that spread across her face as she landed on the ground, her heart pounding with exhilaration.


Maybe I am biased because Im in Slytherin! Lmao, idc I want them to win. Thanks for reading! Dont be a silent reader!!!

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