Hafrós Melrakki Hailong

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Hafrós (Icelandic) = Combination of the Old Norse name elements haf "sea, ocean" and rós "rose".

Melrakki (Icelandic) = From Old Norse meaning "arctic fox, white fox", officially approved as a given name in 2006.

Hailong (Chinese) = From Chinese 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 龙 (lóng) meaning "dragon". This name can also be formed from other character combinations.

Longhua (Chinese) = From the Chinese (lóng) meaning "dragon" and (huā) meaning "flower".

Amami (Japanese) = amami can mean: "heavenly beauty", "heavenly truth", "heavenly ocean", "beautiful rain", " truthful rain" or "rain ocean". The first kanji can either be 雨(ama, ame) meaning " rain" or 天(ama) meaning "heaven(ly)".

the second kanji can be 美(mi) meaning "beauty",実(mi) meaning "truth" or 海(umi, mi) meaning "ocean"

Neve (Italian) = Directly taken from Italian neve "snow".

Friedrun (German) = A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements fridu "peace" and runa "rune".

 Béke (Hungarian) = Directly taken from Hungarian béke "peace; serenity, tranquility".

Nex = death; violent end

Black Rose: HEX #1C0506 / RGB (28, 5, 6)

Renaissance Rose: HEX #865560 / RGB (134, 85, 95)



Name: Hafrós Melrakki Hailong

Main Alias: The Longhua of the Arctic Sea | The Amami of the North

Other Alias:


The Nevermore

The Crown of the Ancient Ocean

The Crown of the Ancient Star


Friedrun Béke [niece]

Nex Béke [grand nephew]


DC Affiliations

DC School of Magic and Heroes

Phantom Dragons

Court of Concept

Base of Operations: Southern South Pacific Ocean


Alignment: neutral

Identity: Phantom Dragon

Citizenship: Armenia/China

Occupation: Student/Crown/???


Gender: Agender

Eyes: metallic Black Rose with flecks of moving Renaissance Rose and other colors

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