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Caius is supposedly an "Ancient Roman" name.


__--Biographical Information--__

Full Name: Dragvicinus

Gender: Androgyne


Dragvicinus Myzanislaw

Drenvicinus of Ierósórkos

Dau Ise Bles De Jean Is Aun Caius

Secret Daughter of Scales

The Dragon God

God of Blood, Winter Storms, Funerals, Absence, Disguises, the Unnoticed, Vows, Duality, and Favor.

The Patron Protector of those who've Lost Their Way and Those Scorned By Others

The Patron God of Xelias

The Guide and Protector of the Lost

He Who Should Not Be Slighted

The Fierce Protector

Prince of Styx

Champion of Thalassa

Champion of Pontus

The Void Prince

The Dead's Protector

Plague's Consort

Wisteria Hauntings



Chaos [mother]

Janus [Father]

Icedons [children]

Affiliation: N/A


Field of Absence

Void Mansion



Glaive of Absence

Rope Dart

Status: Immortal

__--Physical Description--__

Eye: blood red

Hair: pure white with pitch black bangs

Height: 35ft

Species: God


Dragvicinus has long pure white 2c wavy hair that drags on the ground slightly with pure pitch black bangs with dark blood red eyes that sparkle like new souls, sharp canines, a rather dainty face, androgyn features otherwise, four feathered wings, a long but thin wire-like tail, and flawless unblemished skin besides little twinkling silver dotting across his nose and a sigil on his inner left wrist.

Dragvicinus has long pure white 2c wavy hair that drags on the ground slightly with pure pitch black bangs with dark blood red eyes that sparkle like new souls, sharp canines, a rather dainty face, androgyn features otherwise, four feathered wings...

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