Headcannons 2

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All (most) of the countries/kingdoms under Cecil/SOAIC's protection is YOUNGER than Cecil as the original countries/kingdoms that made up SOAIC at their birth have since combined with another to create a new, dissolved, and a new one was created; the ONLY existing "country" left existing from the time before SOAIC's creation is a small independent nation (kinda commune) with trade agreements to islands apart of the countries/kingdoms called Duspary.

-Duspary looks like a young boy; about 15, and has below the shoulders thick wavy white hair with white skin and pale cloudy purple eyes. He has the ears of a snow hair and a rather adorable face. He wears black long-sleeve turtleneck with black snow pants, dark grey snow boots, a pale purple silk eye covering [he is blind], and a thick dark purple parka with a hood. He also wears a crown made of purple parraya.

--Duspary's flag is white with a ring of purple parraya in the center with a pale purple border.

Cecil talks and writes most often in Latin, Korean, and Hawaiian meaning he often forgets that people don't always understand him.

Depending on the universe that it is set in the CHs come from fallen humans; ie. human spirits, and depending on how the human died can depend on how it effects the CH as they continue on living. Not every fallen human becomes a CH and for the most part the CHs are not aware they come from human spirits; and depending on how they died will relate to if they remember, MOST of the time if the death was horrific enough they won't remember their human life no matter how much they try, there are few rare occasions.

-Cecil is an example of a CH who remembers; he also fell to a horrific death, and as apart of his death he's immune to poisons.

UN; much like Cecil, always keeps his eyes closed.

UN rarely; if ever, shows emotions meaning that if he does show emotions it's always to be taken seriously.

All of the Unions [CHs that are not countries] are always secretive or have their air of mystery about them.

Depending again on the contexts; America wears sunglasses about his eyes are like flash lights.

Depending on contexts; the CHs represent a god that represents the people and the capital represents the government.

CHs have human forms and human names; [depending on the context] these human names are the names of their previous human identity.

-Example is Cecil; he would stand about 6'6 with and outwardly albino appearance [with full vision], with the name of Cecil Norell-Karmen.

CHs can change their outwardly appearance though it takes a lot of strain for changing a lot of things meaning most of the time the CHs would only change hair length, eye color, and albeit rarely hair color. HOWEVER the color changing CANNOT be outlandish from their flag colors [like a flag being made up of blues or reds; a CH cannot change a color on their physical feature to be a color like yellow or green].

- Like France changing their hair length from time to time.

British Empire IS different than current day Britain.

Britain; despite being a guy, has a rather feminine face.

France is a guy.


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