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A/N: I published this poem on some teen writer website for school, so if you see this somewhere else it's mine!! One of my favorites. Ignore how TERRIBLE Wattpad makes the formatting on this one, like it's actually atrocious. Just pay attention to the words and ignore how bad it looks on this app. I promise it looks amazing on Docs. Anyway I need to stop yapping. Enjoy!!

(a paint chip poem)

As the Evil Queen did to Snow White,
you have fooled me;

handed over the ripe fruit with innocence
It tasted well enough for my pleasing
I enjoyed the sweet tang of sugar
And held it in my hand as if it were the best apple I'd ever had
However, I should've realized the flavor was artificial
Your skin stained red with the blood of your past victims
Again and again, I sank my teeth into the flesh
and admired how you reflected the light
Just hours later, though, the poison took action
and my insides turned to spoiled mush
You slipped out of my grasp and rolled three times over
We bith lay on the floor, bite marks as battle wounds

I love apples, I really do,
but the scarlet ones remind me of you.

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