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Mikha's POV

I was about to clean myself na sana and then someone called me, when I checked my phone it was my other boss Guillame who's calling me, I pick up the phone

"good evening Lim, I need you to be here at my mansion right now, we don't have enough bodyguards here" Mr. Guillame said with a serious tone and he ended up the call

by the way I have a sideline job and that job is to be a bodyguard of a ceo, I was a bit of taking pictures so I applied to be his bodyguard, I changed my clothes into formal ones and went to the mansion, it was a 2 hours drive

when I arrived there Mr. Guillame welcomed me and I started escorting him, we had a great conversation not until the maid said his daughter's here, he smiled at the maid and I was shocked because it's the first time seeing him smile, in my 4 years of serving him I didn't even saw him smile

he really love his daughter huh, we went to the entrance to welcome his daughter, I was looking down until I heard a familiar voice

"hi dad" her voice really is familiar

when I looked up I saw Aiah, WAIT WHAT!?!? AIAH'S HIS DAUGHTER!?!?!? when I looked at Aiah her eyes widened and we had an eye contact not until Mr. Guillame waved at my eyes and I shook my head thinking that I was just dreaming

we're heading to the long dining table and I was at their back, and when we arrived there I saw my boss family

Aiah's family is on the left while the other family is on the right side, Mr. Guillame was talking with the father of the other family

"Aiah darling why aren't you talking to your future husband" Mr. Guillame said and I looked at her shock

"Dad me and Aiah aren't in good terms" the guy said and looked at Aiah

WTF IS HAPPENING BRO, I went to the other side to look at Aiah and I noticed that she's uncomfortable with the topic, she looked at me and I looked away and went back to my position

"soon to be Aiah Rothschild huh" the boy said and held Aiah's hand

I was trying to calm myself and my hands we're already trembling

"so funny Jeremy" she said and smiled at him

okay talo na'ko, kawawa naman ako, but who tf is he in Aiah's life?? I thought she doesn't have any special someone

the dinner went well but for me it's not, gusto ko mag dabog sa gedli, after they had their dinner they went to Mr. Guillame's garden, the boy offered his hand to Aiah and she accepted it, ouch pighati, they held hands together and Mr. Guillame asked me to be with Aiah so I'm at their back

"the view here is really cool babe" the guy said and hold Aiah's waist

"uh sir for safety please don't hold her waist, it'll be uncomfortable to her" I said and removed his hand on Aiah's waist, the guy looks pissed and Aiah just looked at me but then looked away

"wanna grab some wine babe?" the guy looked at her

"sure let's go" Aiah said in a cold tone

I followed them sa bar ng boss and the guy opened a bottle of wine and put some in Aiah's glass

"you look beautiful tonight babe" the guy said and was about to kiss Aiah but I moved his head away

"sir sorry to disturb you but Aiah didn't drink water a while ago" I said and I offered her a glass of water, the guy's already mad but he just pretended to be okay because of Aiah, not cool bro

"thank you Lim" Aiah said in a sweet tone and smiled at me

I looked at the guy with my one eyebrow raised and he's really pissed, sorry bro pero sa'kin siya sasaya blehh manigas ka jan dun ka sa far far away, I stepped back again and just observing them

I heard that the guy's already planning their wedding but Aiah doesn't look like she's happy, I know she's just faking her smile he attempt to kiss Aiah again but I moved his head again

"sorry to interrupt you but ma'am Aiah needs to rest" I said and held Aiah's hands leaving the guy pissed, we're heading outside not until she whispered something

"thank you so much Lim" she said and I stopped and she hugged me

"I know you so well ma'am but you have so many things to tell me" I said and offered my jacket sakaniya

I texted Mr. Guillame that we're heading to Aiah's house because she's not feeling well and drove to her house, while driving we talked about her family and my boss, I understand everything now they're just forced to be together and Aiah really fell inlove with him but he never treated Aiah right

grabe ka naman boss daming babae ahh, Aiah confessed that she left his dad's house 5 years ago, kaya pala wala akong nakikitang Aiah dun sa mansion, kinwento niya lahat lahat pati sa fam ni boss

I just stayed quiet while she was talking, and after a few minutes bigla siyang tumigil and when I looked at her she was already asleep, how can a woman like you treated so bad, ang dami niyang problema pero she didn't even give up

I pulled over and I rolled her window up and buckled her seatbelt, while I was looking at her I whispered something to her and headed to her house

when we arrived to her house I didn't bother to wake her up, instead I carried in a bridal style and her maid opened the door and tinuro niya yung kwarto ni Aiah, I layed her down sa bed niya, took of her heels and nag hanap ako ng makeup remover and removed her makeup, I made sure that she's comfortable before I left

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