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Here is the smut chapter as promised! It's not really more than that :)

Uhm, yeah, idk what to say sooo have fun.






They found a club that rented out private rooms. It was the easiest for all of them, Max not wanting to deal with any fans or reporters, Kyra and Charles wanting a night where both of them could relax and Lando just happy to get drunk somewhere.

Now four people sitting in a room with couches, a small private bar, flashing lights and loud music sounded awkward, but it wasn't at all. Mostly due to Lando, who hopped right behind the bar and started mixing drinks for all of them.

After one or two drinks, Charles started having a hard time staying away from Kyra. His glances at her started getting longer and longer, his hands touching her wherever they could and still be interpreted as friendly.

With a grin Kyra leaned closer and whispered, »We could just tell Lando that I'm not actually dating Max. Would make things easier for all of us.«

Charles first looked at Kyra, then Max, who was nodding in encouragement, apparently already having discussed this with his girlfriend. He was all in on telling Lando as long as they were. And the Brit was one of the most trustworthy drivers on the grid... mostly because he tended to forget whatever people told him in the blink of an eye anyway.

»Should I tell him or do you want to-«

»I'll do it. You and Max go over to the couched, okay?« Kyra squeezed Charles hand for a moment, then she let go and made her way behind the bar, where Lando was mixing drinks absentmindedly. What she hadn't told Charles was that she also wanted to ask the Brit about Carlos, feeling that there was something going on.

Silently the young woman dropped two olives into the Martini Lando just finished, waiting for him to notice her. Sluggishly hazel eyes turned up at Kyra, the hazy look in them making it clear that he was drunk. Pretty drunk. Which was astonishing since they'd only been here for half an hour.

»How about you drink some of this?« Kyra grabbed the young man a glass of water, holding it so closely to his face Lando had no other choice but to take it.

For a few seconds he stared at it, not really happy about the liquid inside, but under Kyras stern eyes he chugged it. Once the glass was empty, he out it aside, his eyes suddenly glassy and sad.

»But I don't want to get sober, I want to be drunk.« He whined, hopping up on the bar. His legs weren't as stable as he would have liked them to be.

»You can get drunk again in a moment, but we need to talk first.« Kyra stood in front of Lando, one hand propping her up on the bar. They were face to face with each other, making it easier on Kyras neck. Lando really was short...

»About what?« Curiously Lando frowned, genuinely not having a clue.

Kyra chuckled, having to admit that he looked adorable. Not in a I-would-like-to-kiss-him way. More in a sibling way. If she'd ever would have had a younger brother, Kyra would have imagined him to be a lot like Lando.

»So, I need so tell you something, because if I don't this night will be very awkward...« Kyra made a small break, trying to see if Lando was able to keep up or if she'd have to give him more water. When he nodded, she continued, »Max and I aren't actually dating. He's just covering for me and Charles, because we're not allowed to date due to me working for him.«

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