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Hey guys!

Sorry for not posting in a while! Was doing some things and just lacked the motivation to write altogether. I hope this will change now tho :)

Also, as u might have noticed, I changed the cover! I hope y'all like it, because I LOVE it!!!
It's been made by the dear thatmclarengirlie 
I truly love it and can't wait to show you the second one she made for the next fanfic I'll write! They'll look amazing together <3
(Also pls check out her account if you don't know her yet! She writes amazing fanfics for us F1 fans!)

Anyways, let's get to the chapter! It's not the longest or the most interesting, but we're building up to something here, so stay tuned!






Their life went suspiciously great for a couple months. Race weekends passed by, Charles getting better and better results each time. The fans really seemed to have his back again, the scandalous sex tape seemingly forgotten. It also meant that Kyra didn't have much to do and basically got paid to spend time with her boyfriend and watch him race. Neither of them were going to complain about that.

They thought it couldn't get any better... until Charles won the Japan Grand Prix. His first win of the season as so far he'd only come in second and third. Everyone was excited for him, even his rivals.

Max had been one of the first ones to congratulate him, right after Kyra. The triumph was followed by a long night of partying in Japan - something Kyra never thought she'd do.

The morning after was brutal for everyone except the seasons designated driver. Happy and cheerful Kyra escorted Charles to the hotels breakfast buffet on the top floor. Waiting for them there was a horrible looking Max. Only when they came closer did Kyra discover the pile of misery, otherwise known as Lando.

She wasn't very shocked by her friends state. They'd been overdoing it at every drivers party they'd gone to lately. Lando's reasons for the heavy consumption of vodka were pretty obvious. Him and Carlos were still on break and them not having made up by now was a pretty big indicator that it would stay that way.

Max on the other hand hadn't yet revealed whah was going on with him, even with Kyra trying her hardest to get it out of him.

With a giggle Kyra sat Charles down in the booth after they'd gotten their breakfast, then she took a seat herself. Bothered by the loud, high noise, all four men groaned, Lando even covered his ears for a moment.

»You know, all of you only have yourselves to blame for this?« The young woman snorted, her eyes wandering over the drivers, watching them as they sluggishly forced breakfast down their throats. She was just glad Max and Lando were smart enough to know that they had to eat to get over their hangovers (it had been enough of a fight to get Charles down here).

»Yes, Shepherd! We know!« Lando spit back, rolling his eyes. Hungover Lando truly behaved like a toddler, but Kyra just commented it with another chuckle.

They stayed quiet for a moment, Max was the first one to break the silence. Almost shy he looked at Kyra and Charles, opening and the closing his mouth once.

»Can we help you?« Kyra smiled, frowning a little at Max's indecisiveness. He was so straight forward most of the time, it was unusual to see him like this.

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